


action #161309

Updated by jbaier_cz 7 months ago

## Observation 

 Users pointed out in that osd is down, the problem was confirmed. As the nginx was complaining about its upstream, openqa-webui.service was restarted to remedy the situation. After that, the following error was seen in the logs 

 May 31 09:39:52 openqa openqa[19648]: Error when trying to get the database version: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_do_query(): DBI Exception: DBD::Pg::db do failed: ERROR:    syntax error at or near "PRAGMA" 
 May 31 09:39:52 openqa openqa[19648]: LINE 1: PRAGMA synchronous = OFF 
 May 31 09:39:52 openqa openqa[19648]:           ^ at inline delegation in DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Standard for version_rs->database_version (attribute declared in /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/ at line> 

 No service restart helped. As there was also a glibc update involved we decided to ensure consistency with a full system reboot as commented in #161309-1 

 There was a deployment running just before the incident, the issue can be already seen in the telegraf post-deploy job. 

     2024-05-31T07:33:42Z E! [inputs.http] Error in plugin: [url=]: received status code 502 (Bad Gateway), expected any value out of [200] 
     2024-05-31T07:33:42Z E! [inputs.http] Error in plugin: [url=]: received status code 502 (Bad Gateway), expected any value out of [200] 
     2024-05-31T07:33:45Z E! [telegraf] Error running agent: input plugins recorded 2 errors 

 ## Rollback actions 

 * delete deploy freeze for today in [bot-ng]( to re-enable pipeline scheduling 
