


action #156436

Updated by zluo 4 months ago

the manual check for update is done, see 
 According to we have now a solution/implementation in PED-3494, PED-3457. 

 Create a test module to check kiwi minimal image templates and create a minimal image for aarch64 and x86_64 
 Please check doc at  
 We have already tests/kiwi_images_test/, maybe we just need some changes to cover the following feature: 

 ``` html 
 As features got added to U-Boot or other binary bootloader components, engineers observed a conflict with the offset of the first (UEFI) partition. The solution was to build customized Kiwi images with an enlarged offset of the first partition. 

 Suggestion is to apply such a to-be-defined offset to future SLE Micro aarch64 Kiwi images as well as SLE/ALP images, so that an unmodified SUSE image can be used and any bootloader binary dd'ed onto it by customers for deployment on microSD or eMMC. 

 ISO images might not need to be changed. 

