action #156301
Updated by livdywan 10 months ago
## Observation
++ retry -r 30 -e -- ./qem-bot/ -c /etc/openqabot --token [MASKED] incidents-run
KeyError: 'priority'
Retrying up to 19 more times after sleeping 6144s …
2024-02-29 06:28:46 INFO Bot schedule starts now
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./qem-bot/", line 7, in <module>
File "/builds/qa-maintenance/bot-ng/qem-bot/openqabot/", line 32, in main
File "/builds/qa-maintenance/bot-ng/qem-bot/openqabot/", line 24, in do_incident_schedule
bot = OpenQABot(args)
File "/builds/qa-maintenance/bot-ng/qem-bot/openqabot/", line 24, in __init__
self.incidents = get_incidents(self.token)
File "/builds/qa-maintenance/bot-ng/qem-bot/openqabot/loader/", line 41, in get_incidents
File "/builds/qa-maintenance/bot-ng/qem-bot/openqabot/types/", line 23, in __init__
self.priority = incident["priority"]
KeyError: 'priority'
Retrying up to 18 more times after sleeping 12288s …
ERROR: Job failed: execution took longer than 4h0m0s seconds
## Suggestions
* **DONE** Restart pipelines
* Investigate if there is new data the bot is not handling correctly
* Don't provoke timeouts with retrying in on reproducible errors
* Look into unit test coverage