


action #153412

Updated by ph03nix 5 months ago

## Background 

 The Python based docker-compose was deprecated upstream in July and was never supported in SLES. Now `docker-suppose` is in version 2 and based on `go` - 

 This new `docker-compose` will be part of SLE Micro 6.0 and should be tested - First on Tumbleweed/MicroOS and then on SLEM 6.0 (Factory first). 

 `docker-compose` supports `docker` and `podman`, so we need to test it against both backends. This tool is called via `docker compose` or `podman compose`. Don't get confused by the name - `podman compose` calls `docker-compose`. 

 To counter some of the confusion, it can be that the package will be renamed to `compose` in the future. 

 ## Action items 

 * Disable/remove Disable the old tests for `docker-compose` which are not supported. They are dead weight, that we don't want to have when starting to work on the new ones 
 * Check what the status of `docker-compose` is in Tumbleweed. If this is v2 already, then we can start to upgrade the existing test module. Otherwise we need to wait module 
 * Given that the old `docker-compose` was never supported, we can start directly in upgrading the existing test module to the new v2 
 * Upgrade the old test runs to use the v2 of `docker-compose` 
 * Run the `docker-compose` test for `docker` and `podman` 
 * Rename the `docker-compose` test to `compose` to avoid some confusion 

 # Further resources 

 - Relevant packages: `docker-compose` 
