


action #153412

Updated by ph03nix 5 months ago

## Background 

 The Python based docker-compose was deprecated upstream in July and was never supported in SLES. Now `docker-suppose` is in version 2 and July.    The Golang based on `go` - (v2) plugin has been available for quite a while. 

 This new `docker-compose` SUSE doesn't support Docker Compose at all but it will be part of SLE Micro 6.0 and should be tested - First on Tumbleweed/MicroOS and then on SLEM 6.0 (Factory first). 

 `docker-compose` supports `docker` and `podman`, so / Dolomite according to  

 Therefore, we need have to test it against both backends. This tool is called via `docker compose` or `podman compose`. Don't get confused by fix our current tests to use the name - `podman compose` calls `docker-compose`. 

 To counter some compose plugin instead.    Also, there's no point in testing a deprecated Python package with lots of the confusion, it Python dependencies that can be break in older SLES releases that ship the package latest Docker version. 

 Given that also podman will be renamed to `compose` in the future. 

 ## Action items 

 * Disable the old tests for `docker-compose` which are not supported. They are dead weight, that using Docker's plugin, we don't want to have when starting to work on should implement the new ones 
 * Check what the status of `docker-compose` is in Tumbleweed. If this is v2 already, then we can start to upgrade the existing test module 
 * Given that the old `docker-compose` was never supported, we can start directly in upgrading the existing test module to the new v2 a runtime agnostic way. 

 # Further resources 

 - Relevant packages: `docker-compose` docker-compose (and perhaps docker-compose-switch). 
