


tickets #155185

Updated by lkocman 5 months ago

Hello team, 

 I was trying to find an open tracker but couldn't find one, so here we go. 

 We've decided to use a temporary alternative (SUSE's google meet) insetad meet-o-o as the last two meetings (Thursday weekly meeting, and Releng meeting on Wednesday) were super unstable. 

 Adrian mentioned that it's caused by misconfirugration of jitsi and it happens mostly when a third person connects (one gets muted, the other gets disconnected). 
 Another issue was that I have been stuck for 10+seconds several times during Thursday. So the communication was cumbersome. 

 I'd like to make sure that jitsi is fully usable before we switch back. 

 Meeting invitation was already updated with the new google meet link 
