


tickets #154057

Updated by crameleon 5 months ago

MDADM monitor reported: 

 ## falkor21: 

 falkor21 (Hypervisor):~ # mdadm -D /dev/md127 
            Version : 1.0 
      Creation Time : Mon Oct    9 21:44:30 2023 
         Raid Level : raid1 
         Array Size : 233832256 (223.00 GiB 239.44 GB) 
      Used Dev Size : 233832256 (223.00 GiB 239.44 GB) 
       Raid Devices : 2 
      Total Devices : 1 
        Persistence : Superblock is persistent 

      Intent Bitmap : Internal 

        Update Time : Mon Jan 22 22:12:48 2024 
              State : clean, degraded  
     Active Devices : 1 
    Working Devices : 1 
     Failed Devices : 0 
      Spare Devices : 0 

 Consistency Policy : bitmap 

               Name : any:falkor21arr0 
               UUID : 6de056e4:33e6bbd1:e48dc0e0:188adfc1 
             Events : 122005 

     Number     Major     Minor     RaidDevice State 
        -         0          0          0        removed 
        1         8         17          1        active sync     /dev/sdb1 

 ## squanchy:  

 squanchy (Hypervisor):~ # mdadm -D /dev/md126 
            Version : 1.2 
      Creation Time : Fri Oct 13 15:03:35 2023 
         Raid Level : raid1 
         Array Size : 937560384 (894.13 GiB 960.06 GB) 
      Used Dev Size : 937560384 (894.13 GiB 960.06 GB) 
       Raid Devices : 2 
      Total Devices : 1 
        Persistence : Superblock is persistent 

      Intent Bitmap : Internal 

        Update Time : Mon Jan 22 22:09:08 2024 
              State : clean, degraded  
     Active Devices : 1 
    Working Devices : 1 
     Failed Devices : 0 
      Spare Devices : 0 

 Consistency Policy : bitmap 

               Name : squanchy_arr1 
               UUID : cb9cab59:ea55a8fd:51d0df9b:e0facb17 
             Events : 150403 

     Number     Major     Minor     RaidDevice State 
        -         0          0          0        removed 
        1         8         48          1        active sync     /dev/sdd 

 Both disks seem to be there: 

 ## falkor21: 

 Disk /dev/sda: 223.57 GiB, 240057409536 bytes, 468862128 sectors 
 Disk model: SAMSUNG MZ7LH240 
 Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes 
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes 
 I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes 
 Disklabel type: gpt 
 Disk identifier: 13EC682C-9D26-4AD0-B336-9E7B4BAEAA2B 

 Device       Start         End     Sectors    Size Type 
 /dev/sda1     2048 467666943 467664896    223G Linux RAID 

 Disk /dev/sdb: 223.57 GiB, 240057409536 bytes, 468862128 sectors 
 Disk model: SAMSUNG MZ7LH240 
 Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes 
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes 
 I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes 
 Disklabel type: gpt 
 Disk identifier: 851701FE-1F05-4691-B39E-231C1D98EF25 

 Device       Start         End     Sectors    Size Type 
 /dev/sdb1     2048 467666943 467664896    223G Linux RAID 

 ## squanchy: 

 Disk /dev/sdc: 894.25 /dev/sda: 223.57 GiB, 960197124096 240057409536 bytes, 1875385008 468862128 sectors 
 Disk model: SAMSUNG MZ7L3960 MZ7L3240 
 Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes 
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes 
 I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes 
 Disklabel type: gpt 
 Disk identifier: C0E24D1F-8F71-4E15-A961-430DEB131448 B6B55AF4-97C0-40BA-8446-F18046417510 

 Device       Start         End     Sectors    Size Type 
 /dev/sda1     2048 467666943 467664896    223G Linux RAID 

 Disk /dev/sdd: 894.25 /dev/sdb: 223.57 GiB, 960197124096 240057409536 bytes, 1875385008 468862128 sectors 
 Disk model: SAMSUNG MZ7L3960 MZ7L3240 
 Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes 
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes 
 I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes 
 Disklabel type: gpt 
 Disk identifier: 2F1BB611-CEE0-4493-8A6B-F4F4453CDD03 

 Device       Start         End     Sectors    Size Type 
 /dev/sdb1     2048 467666943 467664896    223G Linux RAID 

 Adding some to-do's for this as tasks to the ticket. 

 On falkor21, the affected array hosts the root/system partitions. On squanchy, the affected array "only" hosts the data disk for downloadtmp.i.o.o (aka download-prg.i.o.o). 
 In either case we should remediate this soon.
