action #152887
Updated by dheidler 12 months ago
## Motivation According to #137258-2 there is a new machine which we should setup in FC Basement as openQA bare-metal test host, similar to what is done in #150830. We should take over this machine, mount it in FC Basement and bring it into OSD production as bare-metal test machine and ensure testing related squads follow-up with specific testing, e.g. just run the default scenario(s) on the specific host. ## Acceptance criteria * **AC1:** One new ARM server Ampere Altra Q32-17 is used in production in as bare-metal test host * **AC2:** Our inventory management system is up-to-date ## Suggestions * Read what we did in #150830 because we will do something very similar here just for another machine * Pickup the machine from the Frankencampus "facilities office", bring it to FC Basement (ask Ivona Maher / Oliver Fecher) * Come up with a good name, e.g. [squiddlydiddly]( as we already have two similar machines squidward+squidbilly * Mount and connect the machine * Include the configuration, in particular network, in our inventory management system, e.g. in on top of squidbilly * Read out MAC addresses and add details in for DHCP/DNS * Add machines bare-metal test machines in OSD, i.e. include in, e.g. with experimental worker classes, test, then make production worker classes * Talk with testing squads about extending test scope covering this machine * Ensure testing implementation is planned or completed accordingly * Ensure our inventory management system is up-to-date * Add a special worker class "ampere_altra_q32" and ensure that testing related squads run tests on that worker class, e.g. default@ampera-altra-q32