


action #150965

Updated by okurz 8 months ago

## Observation 

 petrol:~ # systemctl status auto-update 
  auto-update.service - Automatically patch system packages. 
      Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/auto-update.service; static) 
      Active: inactive (dead) since Thu 2023-11-16 02:34:18 CET; 18h ago 
 TriggeredBy: auto-update.timer 
    Main PID: 99487 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) 

 Nov 16 02:34:15 petrol sh[99764]: Loading repository data... 
 Nov 16 02:34:16 petrol sh[99764]: Reading installed packages... 
 Nov 16 02:34:18 petrol sh[99764]: Resolving package dependencies... 
 Nov 16 02:34:18 petrol sh[99764]: Problem: the to be installed patch:openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2023-4375-1.noarch conflicts with 'kernel-default.ppc64le < 5.14.21> 
 Nov 16 02:34:18 petrol sh[99764]:    Solution 1: deinstallation of kernel-default-5.3.18-150300.59.93.1.ppc64le 
 Nov 16 02:34:18 petrol sh[99764]:    Solution 2: do not install patch:openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2023-4375-1.noarch 
 Nov 16 02:34:18 petrol sh[99764]:    Solution 3: remove lock to allow installation of kernel-default-5.14.21-150500.55.36.1.ppc64le[repo-sle-update] 
 Nov 16 02:34:18 petrol sh[99764]:    Solution 4: remove lock to allow installation of kernel-default-6.5.9-lp155.4.1.g1823166.ppc64le[kernel-stable-backport] 
 Nov 16 02:34:18 petrol sh[99764]: Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/3/4/c/d/?] (c): c 
 Nov 16 02:34:18 petrol systemd[1]: auto-update.service: Deactivated successfully. 

 because of 

 petrol:~ # zypper ll 

 # | Name               | Type      | Repository | Comment 
 1 | kernel*            | package | (any)        | poo#119008, kernel regression boo#1202138 
 2 | qemu-ovmf-x86_64 | package | (any)        | poo#116812 
 3 | util-linux         | package | (any)        | poo#119008, kernel regression boo#1202138 

 For #131249 we maybe already applied an approach that worked for us which we should apply here, I guess? 

 On petrol now I ran `zypper patch --dry-run` manually and sequentially added patches to the package locks as well ending up with 

 zypper al -t patch -m "poo#119008, kernel regression boo#1202138" openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2023-4375 
 zypper al -t patch -m "poo#119008, kernel regression boo#1202138" openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2023-4071 
 zypper al -t patch -m "poo#119008, kernel regression boo#1202138" openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2023-3971 
 zypper al -t patch -m "poo#119008, kernel regression boo#1202138" openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2023-3311 
 zypper al -t patch -m "poo#119008, kernel regression boo#1202138" openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2023-3172 
 zypper al -t patch -m "poo#119008, kernel regression boo#1202138" openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2023-2871 

 but I doubt this is long-term maintainable. maintenable. We should learn better ways to do that. E.g. research more about zypper or ask SUSE domain experts on that. 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** Machines using auto-update still regularly update despite having package locks in place 
 * **AC2:** Package locks are still regarded during automatic updates 
 * **AC3:** We still don't automatically upgrade devel:openQA packages 
 * **AC4:** We still have a reasonable OSD changelog not more than once a day with all relevant changes since the last explicit deployment 

 ## Suggestions 
 * Research more about zypper or ask SUSE domain experts on that 
 * Try to make `zypper patch` not complain about locks 
 * Research why we came up with a separate auto-update service for OSD openQA machines at all (or if we can ditch that by now) 
 * Fallback updates when openQA deployment pipeline runs `zypper dup` 
 * ~~Check whether it helps to make the package lock more specific (currently it uses a glob which might be problematic)~~ It can be problematic to make kernel locks more specific because other packages like kernel-default-base might be installed instead. 
 * Consider switching to openqa-auto-update as used on o3 and adapt osd-deployment so that we still receive reasonable changelogs 
