action #150938
Updated by okurz about 1 year ago
## Observation
Test run starts failing with ```imagetester:7``` at ipxe_install, for example, It looks like needle matching failure, but actually there is nothing printed out on its ipmi sol console after reboot.
ipmitool -I lanplus -C 3 -H -U admin -P xxxxxxxx sol activate
## Steps to reproduce
* Connect to ix64ph1075 ipmi sol console
* Reboot the machine
* Wait for output on ipmi sol console
## Impact
No test run assigned to ```imagetester:7``` can proceed.
## Problem
* Looks like something wrong with ipmi sol console
## Suggestions
* Check ipmi sol config
* Check warining/error in BMC
## Workaround
## Rollback actions
* `sudo systemctl unmask openqa-worker-auto-restart@7 && sudo systemctl enable --now openqa-worker-auto-restart@7`