


action #137603

Updated by livdywan 9 months ago

## Observation 
 > *Queue: State (SUSE) - too few jobs executed alert* 
 > View alert  
 > <> 
 > *Summary* 
 > Too few openQA jobs are executed 
 > *Description* 
 > Not enough openQA jobs are assigned to workers and executed while many  
 > scheduled jobs exist in the scheduled state. 
 > see for details 
 > *Values* 
 > E0=17 E1=273 
 > *Labels* 
 > *alertname*            	 Queue: State (SUSE) - too few jobs executed alert 
 > *grafana_folder*            	 Salt 
 > Silence  
 > <> 
 > View dashboard <> 
 > View panel  
 > <> 
 > Observed *38s* before this notification was delivered, at *2023-10-09  
 > 04:30:00 +0200 CEST* 

 Might be related to #137600, might be just a normal behavior over weekend. The alert is currently in a resolved state.  

 ## Suggestions 
 - "too few jobs" means < 20 running, > 100 scheduled - are these numbers sensible? Reduce/increase? 
