


action #132143

Updated by okurz about 1 year ago

## Motivation 
 The openQA webUI VM for o3 will move to PRG2. This will be conducted by Eng-Infra. We must support them. 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** o3 is reachable from the new location for both SUSE employees 
 * **AC2:** Same as AC1 but for community members outside SUSE 
 * **AC3:** o3 multi-machine jobs run successfully on o3 after the migration 
 * **AC4:** We can still login into the machine over ssh from outside the SUSE network 
 * **AC5:** can still monitor o3 

 ## Suggestions 
 * Track "DMZ-OpenQA implementation" so that the o3 network is available 
 * Track "Install Additional links to DMZ-CORE from J12 - openQA-DMZ", something about cabling 
 * Track "Build OpenQA Environment" for story of the o3 VM being migrated 
 * Inform affected users about planned migration on date 2023-07-19 
 * During migration work closely with Eng-Infra members conducting the actual VM migration 
 * Ensure that o3 is reachable again after migration from the new location 
  * for SUSE employees 
  * for community members outside SUSE 
  * for o3 workers from at least one location (NUE1 or PRG2) 
 * Ensure that we can still login into the machine over ssh from outside the SUSE network 
 * Ensure that can still monitor o3 
 * Update where necessary 
 * Inform users as soon as migration is complete 
 * Make sure we know what to keep an eye out for for the later latter planned OSD VM migration 
 * As necessary also make sure that BuildOPS knows about caveats of migration as they plan to migrate OBS/IBS after us
