


coordination #121726

Updated by okurz about 1 year ago

## Motivation 
 Had meeting with EngInfra TL 2022-12-07 mflores and mcaj. We asked mcaj about virt manager access for o3/osd machines. okurz and nsinger consider it the easiest option to just give root access to virt-manager machine and use "personal trust". There are options to provide libvirt access for only individual machines. We should explore those options and then suggest very explicitly to EngInfra what they should do (e.g. "copy-paste code to make it work") so that they can give us power on/off/reset and VNC/serial access to o3/osd and/or other VMs in the morla and galera(?) cluster. If not that then at least maybe mcaj can provide serial port access over some forwarding. 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** Team members know how to power on/off/reset o3/osd VMs, i.e. documentation that works exists 
 * **AC2:** Team members know how to access VNC/serial VNC/?erial of o3/osd VMs, i.e. documentation that works exists 

 ## Suggestions 
 * Research what libvirt can do 
 * If libvirt can not do what we want then come up with custom solution, e.g. based on sudo. Like "virsh o3 $@" in a shell script and allow with sudo for users to only execute that shell script 
 * Create ticket with one or multiple of the above as very clear instructions to EngInfra what to do 
 * If both of the above fail then create ticket and ask if they can at least provide serial port access as according to mcaj IIUC (okurz) that solution is already used by others
