


action #131333

Updated by rainerkoenig about 1 year ago

#### Motivation 
 To make the autoyast profiles easily maintained and used, we proposed to move all the autoyast profiles from YaST job groups to 'data/yam/'. 
 Hint: YaST job groups are the SLE_15 (GROUP_ID: 129) and SLE_15_DEV (GROUP_ID: 456) job groups. Both groups are maintained in [GitLab]( 

 Note: Try to remove subfolders on existing structure to be moved by renaming profiles and avoid to create subfolders and find proper names. Hint: A proposal on [naming conventions inside the yam group]( can be found on Confluence. 

 #### Required actions 

 Iterate over all testsuites in the 2 job groups that have    `autoyast` in their name: 
 * Loate the current place where the XML profile is stored. 
 * Move the profile to a flat hierarchy under `data/yam`. 
 * Rename the file according to the naming conventions. 
 * This means that you either have to update 
   * the `AUTOYAST` setting in GitLab to reflect the new position if the job group is defining this setting 
   * the corresponding `YAML_SCHEDULE` file for this testsuite if the `AUTOYAST` setting is stored there. 
 * Do a quick `find schedule -name "*.yaml" | grep AUTOYAST | grep $old_postion_and_filename` to find out if the autoyast profile might have been used by other squads in their schedules that would be broken now if we move it without chainging those schedules too.  

 At the end we will have on PR for os-autoinst-distri-opensuse on GitHub and one MR on GitLab for the modified job groups.  
 #### Acceptance criteria 
 **AC1**: Move all the autoyast profiles from YaST job groups to 'data/yam/'.
