


action #130796

Updated by okurz about 1 year ago

## Motivation 
 []( is currently free to be used. As long as individual nodes are not reserved for users let's use the machines as openQA OSD bare-metal test machines 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** All quake and unreal blades without specific issues are able to execute OSD bare-metal tests 
 * **AC2:** Open tickets exist for any quake and unreal blade that have specific problems and can not currently be used as bare-metal test machines 

 ## Suggestions 
 * Find instructions how to use those machines in 
 * Select and set a more secure IPMI password for each machine 
 * Add at least one quake blade as bare-metal test machine and execute at least one successful openQA bare-metal test on it 
 * Include all in as bare-metal test machines 
 * Extend instructions in how to disable use as bare-metal test machines when wanting to use machines differently
