


action #125654

Updated by amanzini over 1 year ago

## Context 
 our current test    is specifically installing jdk11, but with the progress of the updates it can happen that we find on the machines a newer one. The newer one could support new Cipher Suites and Security Providers. 
 At the moment as a workaround, we uninstall any JDK jdk before testing; testing, so the question is: 

 ## Question  
 - is : should we test any present and greater version of OpenJDK, or only some specific ones? 

 ## Action 
 - provide for each JDK version the accepted list of FIPS crypto providers, which for OpenJDK 11 is currently stored in  
 - change the test to map the correct JDK version with the reference list of Supported Cipher Suites and Security Providers  
