


action #119059

Updated by okurz over 1 year ago

## Motivation 
 The machine "power8" is currently not available for o3 meaning there is currently no ppc testing in o3 at all. Use the existing machine qa-power8 for o3 ppc testing 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC0:** We know what kind of setup we need (baremetal vs. HMC managed, e.g. ask test maintainers) 
 * **AC1:** At least one ppc openQA test from tests on passed after running on qa-power8 (reduced schedule is ok) 

 ## Suggestions 
 * *DONE:* ~~Find out BMC details~~ -> covered with 
 * Power on the machine over BMC 
 * ~~Ensure there is a physical network connection as according to there is currently no ethernet connection for the guest system~~ 
 * Follow-up with suggestions from #119059#note-47 
  1. Physically connect keyboard+display(or serial)+storage to the machine, install Linux and enable remote IPMI 
  2. Connect back to HMC, install VM and try to enable remote ipmi to the bare-metal machine and then set back to OPAL and continue with bare-metal Linux installation (preferred by cdywan, sriedel, nicksinger) 
  3. Follow up with the discussions with IBM in bugzilla to find out what is the right way to install remote controlled bare-metal in OPAL mode (preferred by mkittler, okurz) 
  4. As discussed in #119059#note-43 as alternative: we could continue with the HMC mode. This would likely mean setting up an HMC within the o3 network (or making HMC 3 somehow accessible). 
 * Try to login over ssh or virt-manager or reinstall in case there is no or no usable OS on it 
 * Install openQA-worker on the machine 
 * Create SUSE-IT EngInfra ticket to move the machine's ethernet interface based on racktables information to the o3 network (VLAN 662) 
 * Add according networking information on o3 into /etc/dnsmasq.d/openqa.conf 
 * Configure the machine OS for dhcp client mode and ensure the machine gets an address from o3 dnsmasq 
 * Ensure the system is able to execute openQA tests from o3
