action #124146
Updated by livdywan almost 2 years ago
## Observation
since 2023-02-08 0800
## Acceptance criteria
- **AC1**: Incomplete jobs alerts are not seen on Grafana
## Suggestions
- The incompletes on broken downloads are likely what's expected by design
- Alerts were triggered because we got too many incompletes
- The asset never existed in the first place?
- Maybe a clean-up deleted an asset too fast (unlikely), this should be possible to find out from the asset table
- Can we detect missing assets when scheduling a job?
- Leave it in scheduled? Show a message "Asset Xyz missing"
- Reach out to whoever is scheduling jobs without valid assets
- Research if the missing link to [the parent jopb]( is actually an openQA bug that's making the private asset inaccessible