


tickets #118810

Updated by GraceWang over 1 year ago

Steps: The testing should be based on a CD R+W: 

 - Prepare test file: 
   run "echo 'hello wodim' > test" 

 - To write a blank CD R+W, we could 
 1.write some files a. run "wodim --devices" to DVD(+RW) disk look for useable devices and show the symbolic 'device name'. 
 b. using brasero "wodim -v dev='device name' speed=x    file" in terminal. 
 2.Eject c. using "wodim -eject dev='device name' " to eject the DVD DVD. 
 d. using "wodim -v dev='device name' blank=fast" to blank a RW DVD.' 

 1. Insert a blank CD, run "wodim    -v dev='device name' speed=2 test" in terminal. 
 2. Eject the CD and and insert it to the DVDROM CDROM again, check file in the media can be read out by "dd if='device name' of=./outfile" 

 Expected Result: Note: Usually, the device name would be /dev/sg1. But when read by using dd, the device name should be /dev/sr0 

 3. Run "wodim --scanbus" in terminal 

 - The package cdrtools ( including cdrecord ) was derived by cdrkit which will maintain interface compatibillity with wodim for the near future. So update this case to use cdrecord instead of wodim (part of cdrkit). 

 **Expected Result:** 
 vp.1 files can Files could be written to the DVD. CD successfully 
 vp.2 The written file can be read out without error 
 vp.3 All of the SCSI devices should be listed
