tickets #118387
Updated by zcjia about 2 years ago
2 test accounts configured on the Exchange test system: Happy Gillmore and Bob Barker. The SUT is configured to use the Happy Gillmore account. [Prerequisite] exchange account setup could refer to: There was a related bug for reference: [Steps] 1. Click on *Mailbox* under the *Exchange <your name>* section in the left account tree pane. 2. Click on the *V* next to the *New* button in the tool bar and select *Mail Message*. 3. In *To:* type a part of a username rather than yourself's (retrieved (retrived from the prerequisite section) 4. Tab to *Subject* line. 5. Type in a unique subject. 6. Tab once to the message body. 7. Type in a unique message body. 8. Click on *Send* in the tool bar. **vp2.** A new message appears addressed from *<your userID>*. **vp3.** A *A full name(for example yosun) should should* appears type-ahead completed in the to: line. **vp8.** Login the recipient's reciepient's mailbox, the message is received on recipient's reciepient's account