tickets #117952
Updated by GraceWang about 2 years ago
**Steps:** <span style="" font-size:="" 11px;""=""> 1. Login the system with gnome session</span> </div> <div> <span style="" font-size:="" 11px;""="">2. Enable bluetooth and connect it to another machine. </span> </div> <div> <span style="" font-size:="" 11px;""="">3. Use “Win” + “L” to lock the screen</span> </div> <div> <span style="" font-size:="" 11px;""="">4. Send a file via bluetooth from another machine</span> </div> **Expected Result:** <div> <span style="" font-size:="" 11px;""="">VP3. The screen should be locked</span> </div> <div> <span style="" font-size:="" 11px;""="">VP4. There should be a notification on the locked screen to say that received one file from bluetooth </span> </div>