


tickets #117946

Updated by GraceWang almost 2 years ago

SLED15 is using Wayland by default, there are two ways to figure out 
 which type of session you're running.   
 1. Wayland session should have WAYLAND_DISPLAY variable set, X11 session 
 should not have it:   
 2. loginctl can give you this information.   
 First run 'loginctl' in terminal and find your session number   
 (it should be an integer number, with your username and seat 
 Then look at the session type (x11 or wayland):   
 $ loginctl show-session \<YOUR_NUMBER\> -p Type   
 1. Boot to desktop and uncoment ""WaylandEnable=false"" in 
 /etc/gdm/custom.conf to   
 force the login screen to use Xorg, then reboot your system.   
 2. Log in using the default desktop session(SLE-Classic), check your 
 session type.   
 3. Log out, click the gear button on log in screen, switch to 'GNOME' 
 then log in.   
 Check your session type after logging in.   
 4. Log out, click the gear button on log in screen, switch to 
 'GNOME-Classic' then log in.   
 Check your session type after logging in.   
 5. Log out, click the gear button on log in screen, switch to 'GNOME on 
 Xorg' then log in.   
 Check your session type after logging in.   
 6. Log out, click the gear button on log in screen, switch to 'icewm' 
 then log in.   
 Check your session type after logging in. 

 **Expected in.","**Expected Results:** 
 1. custom.conf could be changed and the system could be restared without 
 any error. 

 2-3. Log in successfully, Wayland-based GNOME session should fallback to 
 X11-based session so   
 your session type should be x11.   
 4-6. Log in successfully and your session type should be 
