


action #109795

Updated by rainerkoenig over 2 years ago

# Observation 

 Test module *welcome* fails because enable_fullscreen does not resize the YaST window to fullscreen. 
 After [this step]( the YaST window should resize to fullscreen, but it does not.  

 **Related ticket:** [poo#106514: Fix ensure_fullscreen in ssh-X scenario in s390x and pVM]( 

 # Root cause 

 Method enable_fullscreen calls fullscreen method from [os-autoinst/consoles/]( 

 There we try to determinte the YaST window_id by searching for all windows with 'YaST*' in the title and then 
 limiting the list to 1 entry. This might select the wrong window if there is another YaST window behind the one 
 that we see. See  
 for details. 

 # Possible solution 

 Replace the '--limit 1' paramter of the xdotool call with '--onlyvisible' which should select the visible YaST window and  
 resize it.  

 # Acceptance criteria 

 **AC1:** Fix resizese YaST window to fullscreen
