


coordination #107755

Updated by jlausuch about 2 years ago

Enable container image testing on OpenShift kubernetes environment. 

 The same way we are validating images on AKS/EKS/GKE, they shall be also validated against an OpenShift cluster. 

 Related Jira request: 
 Related PoC: 

 Since having this cluster running all the time is very costly, the BCI team has agreed to not include this test in the regular pipeline where For now, until we trigger tests after new images before they are released, which have a final solution from infra, we can happen at any time. 

 The decision is to trigger OpenShift tests 3-4 times a week, and use the test PoC for testing automation should take care of: purposes. 
 1) Deploy cluster  
 2) Run tests using all images 
 3) Destroy cluster You can contact me (Jose Lausuch) to provide you details about the needed credentials to access it.
