


action #95830

Updated by ilausuch over 3 years ago

## Observation 

 `journalctl -u openqa-gru` on osd shows: 

 -- Logs begin at Sun 2021-07-18 03:30:00 CEST, end at Tue 2021-07-20 16:23:49 CEST. -- 
 Jul 20 12:59:01 openqa openqa-gru[22516]: parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 10 
 Jul 20 14:31:27 openqa openqa-gru[22516]: unable to clone job 6490922: it is part of a parallel or directly chained cluster (not supported) 
 Jul 20 14:31:29 openqa openqa-gru[22516]: unable to clone job 6490922: it is part of a parallel or directly chained cluster (not supported) 
 Jul 20 14:31:30 openqa openqa-gru[22516]: unable to clone job 6400555: it is part of a parallel or directly chained cluster (not supported) 
 Jul 20 14:31:31 openqa openqa-gru[22516]: unable to clone job 6400555: it is part of a parallel or directly chained cluster (not supported) 
 Jul 20 15:40:43 openqa openqa-gru[22516]: parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 10 
 Jul 20 15:40:43 openqa openqa-gru[22516]: /opt/os-autoinst-scripts/openqa-investigate: line 73: echo: write error: Broken pipe 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** No obvious ther error messages ("parse error: Invalid numeric literal at...") in openqa-gru logs 

 ## Suggestions 
 * Try to run `openqa-investigate` scripts manually from against jobs on osd and check for errors  


 ## Further details 

 openqa-gru runs multiple asynchronous background processes. The ones mentioned above are from "job_post_hooks".
