


action #94492

Updated by mkittler about 3 years ago

Currently the default retention period is in-place: 

 > use telegraf 
 Using database telegraf 
 > show retention policies 
 name      duration shardGroupDuration replicaN default 
 ----      -------- ------------------ -------- ------- 
 autogen 0s         168h0m0s             1          true 

 According to the documentation that means we store the data infinitely¹. 

 It would be possible to configure a time-based retention policy per database (we store all our monitoring data in one database called `telegraf`): 
 This raises the question which durations duration we'd like to configure. It would also make sense to "[downsample and retain data](" to store data with less granularity over time. 

 I haven't found anything about disk-space-based retention policies within the documentation of InfluxDB so I **assume** this is not an option. 


 > When you create a database, InfluxDB creates a retention policy called autogen with an infinite duration…
