


action #54119

Updated by whdu almost 5 years ago

This issue happened when make whole system evm signing using digital signature. 

 One step is: 
  # for D in /lib /lib64 /usr/lib /usr/lib64; do /usr/bin/find "$D" -fstype ext4 -\! -executable -type f -name '*.so*' -uid 0 -exec evmctl sign -psuse -k /root/certs/key.asc '{}' \; -exec chattr +i '{}' \; ; done 
 setxattr failed: /usr/lib64/ 
 errno: Operation not permitted (1) 
 setxattr failed: /usr/lib64/ 
 errno: Operation not permitted (1) 

 It is probably a bug, or an acceptable results. More investigation will be performed to decide if we should create a bug report. 

 **UPDATE:** It is turn out `find` problem, it execute the command followed by `-exec` twice. The reason is unclear and need further investigation. The current workaround is to add one step "`-exec chattr -i '{}'`" before "`-exec evmctl sign ...`".
