


action #46784

Updated by slemke over 5 years ago

Edit existing test: Add yast2-ftp-server coverage on openQA: 

 Place of implementation: 
 /var/lib/openqa/tests/os-autoinst-distri-opensuse/lib/ :: sub load_extra_tests_y2uitest_gui(){} 

 test file at: 

 test name: 

 FTP module will get full coverage, tests to be implemented: 

 **Start Up Tab:** 
 1- On root terminal run yast2 ftp-server: needle main window; 

 1.1 - In general settings, change welcome msg to 'welcome openQA', this way we can track that we are on the correct instance. 

 2- Click start FTP now: 
 --> Connect via FTP CLI, confirm 'welcome openQA' string; 

 3- Click stop FTP now:  
 --> Connect via FTP CLI, should not connect; 

 5- on SLES < 15 : Change service start from QA Product, enable manually to 'via xinetd': finish, yast2 ftp-server will close,  
 call it for QAM: again via terminal and confirm 'via xinetd' is default startup method. 

 - Make it backwards compatible --> Confirm systemd unit is down:  
 systemctl list-unit-files    |grep ftp |grep enabled : expected 0 

 Lets confirm the service started correctly: 

 --> Connect via FTP CLI, confirm 'welcome openQA' string; 

 6- Change service start from manually to 'when booting': 
 systemctl list-unit-files    |grep ftp |grep enabled : expected 1 

 **General TAB:** 
 1- needle on the Main window of FTP general settings 

 **Performance: TAB** 
 1- Needle FTP performance settings, this will confirm defaults. 
 --> Create 2 system users; set max clients to 1; try to connect with all supported SLE versions; more then 1 user; 
 - Make it backwards compatible --> Set max clients from same ip to 1; try to connect twice (different terminals); 
 --> set timeout to 1 min, save, connect via CLI and sleep 2 minutes, session should expire. 

 **Authentication TAB:** 

 1- needle the default FTP anonymous settings; 

 2- select authenticated users only,    Go to 'Startup -> Save settings and restart FTP now' 
 --> Try to connect via CLI and valid username, confirm 'welcome openQA' string; 
 --> Try to connect anonymously, should fail; 

 3- repeat 2 for 'anonymous only':  
 --> Try to connect via CLI and valid username, should fail with: 530 This FTP server is anonymous only. 
 --> Try to connect with all supported Opensuse versions; anonymous : should work; 

 4- Select Option 'Both': 
 - Make it compatible --> Try to connect with anonymous : should work; 
 --> Try to connect via CLI and valid username, confirm 'welcome openQA' string; 

 5- Try to upload a file, should fail; 

 6- Authentication/Uploading Section:  
 --> Select all future SLES upload options;  
 --> Go to 'Startup -> Save settings and Opensuse versions; restart FTP now', say yes when it asks to create an upload folder,  
 click finish to restart; 
 --> Check that a folder 'upload' exists inside /srv/ftp 
 --> Try to connect via CLI as anonymous, upload a file to /srv/ftp/upload and create a folder inside /srv/ftp/upload: both should work. 

 Status run: Authenticated, SSL, FTP Directories: 

 SLE12.2: 7- Uncheck/Disable enable upload files by anonymous(keep enable uploads): 

 --> Try to connect via CLI as anonymous :: should connect, tr    to upload a file and create a folder :: both should fail; 

 **Expert Settings TAB:** 

 1- needle on the default screen 

 2- enable SSL: enable all 4 SSL's:  

 -->root console, Create the certificate and the key: 
 SLE12.3: openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/vsftpd.pem -out /etc/ssl/private/vsftpd.pem 

 --> Enable SSL and selected created certificate: 
 SLE12.4: /etc/ssl/private/vsftpd.pem 

 --> Connection now shows SSL is in use,  

 --> Set a folder for the authenticated users:: mkdir /srv/ftp-aut 
 SLE15.0: --> Create an upload folder: mkdir /srv/ftp-aut/uploads 
 SLE15.1: --> chmod 757 uploads/ 

 Opensuse 15.0: --> Try to connect via CLI and valid system username: should log into /srv/ftp-aut 
 Opensuse 15.1: --> upload a file and create a directory, should work. 

 3- Keep SSL enabled, also enable: General/chroot everyone : 
 --> Try to connect via CLI and valid system username: should log into /srv/ftp-aut 
 --> upload a file and create a directory, should work. 

 4- open port on firewall, Save settings and restart FTP now' 
 --> open services can be checked directly calling the firewall status from cli
