



action #94318

closed not reachable

Added by okurz over 3 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

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Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Copied from openQA Project - action #91752: jenkins: Multiple missing fields and errors in configuration of openQA-in-openQAResolvedokurz2021-04-26

Actions #1

Updated by okurz over 3 years ago

  • Copied from action #91752: jenkins: Multiple missing fields and errors in configuration of openQA-in-openQA added
Actions #2

Updated by okurz over 3 years ago

Did sudo su and found with df -h that / is full. Did snapper ls

   # | Type   | Pre # | Date                     | User | Used Space | Cleanup | Description           | Userdata     
  0  | single |       |                          | root |            |         | current               |              
  1* | single |       | Thu Oct 19 19:40:57 2017 | root | 105.70 MiB |         | first root filesystem |              
184  | pre    |       | Mon May 17 12:45:23 2021 | root |  93.90 MiB | number  | zypp(zypper)          | important=yes
185  | post   |   184 | Mon May 17 12:46:46 2021 | root |   8.89 MiB | number  |                       | important=yes
208  | pre    |       | Sun Jun  6 12:45:22 2021 | root |   4.31 MiB | number  | zypp(zypper)          | important=yes
209  | post   |   208 | Sun Jun  6 12:46:14 2021 | root |  15.76 MiB | number  |                       | important=yes
216  | pre    |       | Sun Jun 13 03:00:07 2021 | root |   2.08 MiB | number  | zypp(zypper)          | important=no 
217  | post   |   216 | Sun Jun 13 03:00:25 2021 | root |   2.05 MiB | number  |                       | important=no 
218  | pre    |       | Sun Jun 20 03:00:24 2021 | root |  88.91 MiB | number  | zypp(zypper)          | important=yes

Did snapper rm 184-217 to get some space. After that did mount -o rw,remount / and triggered a zypper dup to ensure a consistent upgraded step.

I also encountered a process running wild:

 6958 jenkins   B4  20   0 3510M 1646M   640 D  845         N/A 23.9 83.2  1:27.14 /usr/bin/perl /usr/share/openqa/script/client --host jobs/

eating up all memory.

The problem about the accumulating space could be mainly due to big updates especially kernel updates where old versions are never deleted because we do not automatically reboot so we need automatic reboots triggered.

Using I extended /etc/cron.d/auto-update now with && needs-restarting --reboothint >/dev/null || (command -v rebootmgrctl >/dev/null && rebootmgrctl reboot ||:)' > /etc/cron.d/auto-update to trigger a reboot when updates demand it. Also did systemctl enable --now rebootmgr and triggered an explicit reboot now.

After the reboot the older kernel versions have been removed, so that only two versions (current and previous) remain. But / is still 99% used. I think it's problematic that the filesystem layout is still old and /var/lib/jenkins is not on a subvolume so it's content will be included in every snapshot.

So creating a new btrfs subvol and moving the existing content there:

systemctl stop jenkins
mount /dev/sda2 -o subvol=@ /mnt
btrfs subvol create /mnt/var/lib/jenkins
echo 'UUID=0b8a4aea-1f96-4b60-b305-57a7317d0067 /var/lib/jenkins btrfs subvol=@/var/lib/jenkins 0 0' >> /etc/fstab
mv /var/lib/jenkins/* /mnt/var/lib/jenkins/
umount /mnt

and now trying to reclaim more space, e.g. with systemctl start btrfs-balance btrfs-scrub btrfs-trim

Actions #3

Updated by okurz over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

That reclaimed a bit. I also deleted manually some older logfiles in /var/log. Now we have

Filesystem             Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2               38G   29G  9.3G  76% /

that should suffice for some time


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