action #90917
opencoordination #99303: [saga][epic] Future improvements for SUSE Maintenance QA workflows with fully automated testing, approval and release
coordination #110016: [epic][teregen] teregen (maintenance test report template generator) improvements
[teregen] Add notification about errors in template generating
Often, there is a problem inside incident which cause the template not to be generated and the error is not spotted until someone needs the template. Then, one need to login to the server to view the logs and to find out the reason (usually a missing product definition). If the issue is easily fixable, one need to wait for MR to be merged and deployed and for template generator to pick up those changes during next runs. This might cause a delay.
I propose to make a proactive approach and notify on errors (RC channel would be probably a good idea) to allow faster reaction to problematic templates. To minimize spam, each error should be sent only once. As the template generator is not stateless (with introducing the test coverage feature), this should be no longer a problem to implement. Proof of concept how to send messages to RC already exists and the bot account should be also already active.
Things to consider:
- Sent notification storage (psql is already used elsewhere in the template generator)
- Outgoing hook implementation (can be part of a process -- output plugin; or wrapper script watching for return code)
- RC Bot integration (could send messages directly or through another service to allow interaction)
Updated by jbaier_cz over 3 years ago
- Project changed from 119 to QA (public)
This may be also used to report problems with coverage data.
Updated by jbaier_cz over 3 years ago
- Related to action #90914: [teregen] Add overview for stored coverage data added
Updated by jbaier_cz almost 2 years ago
- Related to action #123508: [tools][teregen] Handle "one instance is already running" better for template generator size:M added
Updated by jbaier_cz over 1 year ago
- Related to action #133307: mtui: Connection to svn+ssh is not possible or the "inconsistent submission" added