action #73444
closed[sle][migration][SLE15SP3] Check 15sp2 hpc patterns for system role (ld mode)
we need list for
1) select xxx role
2) start select all
Updated by zoecao almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Default patterns list:
HPC Base Compute Node
GNOME Desktop Environment (Basic)
Minimal Base System
Enhanced Base System
32-Bit Runtime Environment
YaST System Administration
X Window System
HPC Modularized Libraries
HPC Development Packages
Infiniband (OFED)
Base Development
All patterns list:
HPC Base Compute Node
HPC Workload Manager
GNOME Desktop Environment (Basic)
Help and Support Documentation
Minimal Base System
Tools and scripts for Common Criteria
Enhanced Base System
XEN Virtualization Host and tools
KVM Virtualization Host and tools
32-Bit Runtime Environment
YaST System Administration
Software Management
X Window System
HPC Modularized Libraries
HPC Development Packages
File Server
Print Server
Mail and News Server
Web and LAMP Server
FIPS 140-2 specific packages
Internet Gateway
DHCP and DNS Server
Infiniband (OFED)
Directory Server (LDAP)
XEN Virtual Machine Host Server
KVM Host Server
SAP Application Server Base
Oracle Server Base
Base Development
Linux Kernel Development
YaST Development