action #63382
open/usr/share/qemu/ovmf-x86_64-staging{,-code,-vars}.bin on workers is not installed by any package, e.g. missing on imagetester
imagetester was recently reinstalled. The files
were not installed hence incompleted. I copied over the files manually from openqaworker4 to imagetester but we should have a better way to ensure all necessary files are provided for freshly-installed workers.
$ sha256sum *.bin
52dace85f593bc424a74abe8cd65adde15633706fd03d6251902921a6b64ca22 ovmf-x86_64-staging.bin
bcb14d045c8bc7565ba7d32c246458ed307e8578ceae2687ff876c8f04494260 ovmf-x86_64-staging-code.bin
52f9f2f91568afe8cf3dc3e3579e9aa83617057b461130f0d20f9695022c8395 ovmf-x86_64-staging-vars.bin
Updated by mlin7442 about 5 years ago
last time that updating staging ovmf bios on ow1/ow4 was done by me, the things here is we need to install the package built on staging project, because it's the only place we had ovmf builds with staging project sign-key, and we don't publish staging project's build result ie. you can't get it from the public download site.
Updated by okurz about 5 years ago
So … we should save the binary blobs e.g. in salt and whenever we have problems with this we need to ask you to provide update images? Sorry, I don't know a better way.
Updated by mlin7442 about 5 years ago
You can get the binary from OBS, just can't get it from d.o.o
And we're not so often need to update staging bios binaries, it was needed when staging-key is changed.
Updated by okurz about 5 years ago
Sure, not needed often. Can you tell how to get from obs? maybe with an osc command line to retrieve binaries?
Updated by mlin7442 about 5 years ago
osc getbinaries openSUSE:Factory:Staging:X ovmf standard x86_64
X = a whatever letter staging
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
- Related to action #135137: Bring back imagetester size:M added