



action #54257


[SLE][Migration][SLE12SP5]: Check 12sp5 Jira issue and implement automation version check

Added by coolgw over 5 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
30.00 h


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Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to openQA Tests (public) - action #55097: [SLE][Migration][SLE12SP5]: Check 12sp5 Jira issue and implement automation version check(phase2)Resolvedtinawang1232019-08-05

Actions #1

Updated by coolgw over 5 years ago

Following are the tickets need take into account, we need implement into a, and load this test module after migration 12sp5 in regression check group.
SLE-5699 - QA: OpenSCAP 1.3.0 version updateOPEN Must Have QA: OpenSCAP 1.3.0 version update Check with wh, any automation test cases Check with wh Y
SLE-7146 - QA: Provide OpenID enablement for SLES 12 SP5 OPEN should have check apache2-mod_auth_openidc exist on 12sp5 Y
SLE-7100 - QA: Customers need latest python to develop and run ML apps OPEN should have check python version on 12sp5 Y
SLE-5739 - QA: Update augeas to 1.x.0 OPEN could have check version after migration to 12sp5 Y
SLE-5953 - QA: Update libgpg-error and gpgmeBLOCKED could have same as above check wh exist automation test cases? check with wh Y
SLE-5892 - QA: Update freeradius-server to 3.0.18+OPEN could have same as above Y
SLE-5754 - QA: autofs version 5.1.5 availability for SLES12BLOCKED could have check version Y
SLE-6508 - QA: libnuma-devel package in s390x repo DONE could have check  libnuma-devel package in s390x repo Y

Actions #2

Updated by coolgw over 5 years ago

  • Estimated time set to 20.00 h
Actions #3

Updated by tinawang123 over 5 years ago

  • Assignee set to tinawang123
Actions #4

Updated by tinawang123 over 5 years ago

Checked with manual test:
ps64vt1068:~ # zypper se -s autofs
S | Name | Type | Version | Arch | Repository

i | autofs | package | 5.0.9-28.3.5 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| autofs | srcpackage | 5.0.9-28.3.5 | noarch | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0

ps64vt1068:~ # zypper se -s openscap
S | Name | Type | Version | Arch | Repository

| libopenscap25 | package | 1.3.0-1.55 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| libopenscap_sce25 | package | 1.3.0-1.55 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| openscap | package | 1.3.0-1.55 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| openscap | srcpackage | 1.3.0-1.55 | noarch | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| openscap-content | package | 1.3.0-1.55 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| openscap-utils | package | 1.3.0-1.55 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
ps64vt1068:~ # zypper se -s apache2-mod_auth_openidc
No matching items found.
ps64vt1068:~ # python3 --version
Python 3.4.6
ps64vt1068:~ # zypper se -s augeas
S | Name | Type | Version | Arch | Repository

i | augeas | package | 1.10.1-1.12 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| augeas | srcpackage | 1.10.1-1.12 | noarch | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
i | augeas-lenses | package | 1.10.1-1.12 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
i | libaugeas0 | package | 1.10.1-1.12 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| python-augeas | package | 0.4.1-13.3.1 | noarch | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| python-augeas | srcpackage | 0.4.1-13.3.1 | noarch | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
i | ruby2.1-rubygem-ruby-augeas | package | 0.5.0-1.40 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| rubygem-ruby-augeas | srcpackage | 0.5.0-1.40 | noarch | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0

ps64vt1068:~ # zypper se -s libgpg-error
S | Name | Type | Version | Arch | Repository

| libgpg-error | srcpackage | 1.13-1.79 | noarch | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
i | libgpg-error0 | package | 1.13-1.79 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0

ps64vt1068:~ # zypper se -s gpgme
S | Name | Type | Version | Arch | Repository

| gpgme | package | 1.5.1-1.12 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| gpgme | srcpackage | 1.5.1-1.12 | noarch | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
i | libgpgme11 | package | 1.5.1-1.12 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0

ps64vt1068:~ # zypper se -s freeradius-server
S | Name | Type | Version | Arch | Repository

| freeradius-server | package | 3.0.19-1.19 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| freeradius-server | srcpackage | 3.0.19-1.19 | noarch | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| freeradius-server-doc | package | 3.0.19-1.19 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| freeradius-server-krb5 | package | 3.0.19-1.19 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| freeradius-server-ldap | package | 3.0.19-1.19 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| freeradius-server-libs | package | 3.0.19-1.19 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| freeradius-server-mysql | package | 3.0.19-1.19 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| freeradius-server-perl | package | 3.0.19-1.19 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| freeradius-server-postgresql | package | 3.0.19-1.19 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| freeradius-server-python | package | 3.0.19-1.19 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| freeradius-server-sqlite | package | 3.0.19-1.19 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0
| freeradius-server-utils | package | 3.0.19-1.19 | ppc64le | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0

Actions #5

Updated by tinawang123 over 5 years ago

S390x need install SDK:
s390vsw155:~ # zypper se -s libnuma-devel
Refreshing service 'SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP5_s390x'.
Refreshing service 'SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Software_Development_Kit_12_SP5_s390x'.
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S Name Type Version Arch Repository
libnuma-devel package 2.0.12-1.7 s390x SLE-SDK12-SP5-Pool
Actions #6

Updated by coolgw over 5 years ago

Please also refer following link and check comments:

Actions #7

Updated by tinawang123 over 5 years ago

I checked the feature:
Matthias also use 'zypper se -s' to check the packages' version and whether can be installed.
So, I think use 'zypper se -s' to do this case is good enough, no need install again.

Actions #8

Updated by coolgw over 5 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to High
Actions #9

Updated by coolgw over 5 years ago

  • Related to action #55097: [SLE][Migration][SLE12SP5]: Check 12sp5 Jira issue and implement automation version check(phase2) added
Actions #10

Updated by tinawang123 over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 80
Actions #11

Updated by coolgw over 5 years ago

Summary(tune the check point for each Jira issue):
SLE-5699 & SLE-5892 & SLE-7100 & SLE-5754 : assert fix version base on Jira description
SLE-7146 & SLE-6508 : will check package whether exist after migration to 12sp5
SLE-5739 & SLE-5953: check version is higher then before

SLE-5699 - QA: OpenSCAP 1.3.0 version updateOPEN Must Have QA: OpenSCAP 1.3.0 version update
assert openscap

to version == 1.3.0

SLE-7146 - QA: Provide OpenID enablement for SLES 12 SP5 OPEN should have check apache2-mod_auth_openidc exist on 12sp5 Y
check apache2-mod_auth_openidc whether install or not after migration, flag NOK if apache2-mod_auth_openidc not installed.

SLE-7100 - QA: Customers need latest python to develop and run ML apps OPEN should have check python version on 12sp5 Y
assert python36 should installed after migation

SLE-5739 - QA: Update augeas to 1.x.0 OPEN could have check version after migration to 12sp5 Y
assert augeas version >1.10.1

SLE-5953 - QA: Update libgpg-error and gpgmeBLOCKED could have same as above check wh exist automation test cases? check with wh Y
assert libgpg-error>1.17 and gpgme >1.9.0

SLE-5892 - QA: Update freeradius-server to 3.0.18+OPEN could have same as above Y
assert freeradius-server == 3.0.18

SLE-5754 - QA: autofs version 5.1.5 availability for SLES12BLOCKED could have check version Y
assert autofs version == 5.1.5

SLE-6508 - QA: libnuma-devel package in s390x repo DONE could have check libnuma-devel package in s390x repo Y
check whether libnuma-devel installed after migation

Actions #12

Updated by coolgw over 5 years ago

  • Estimated time changed from 20.00 h to 30.00 h
Actions #13

Updated by tinawang123 over 5 years ago

  • % Done changed from 80 to 100
Actions #14

Updated by tinawang123 over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Actions #15

Updated by tinawang123 over 5 years ago

SLE-7146 - QA: Provide OpenID enablement for SLES 12 SP5 OPEN should have check apache2-mod_auth_openidc exist on 12sp5
Have rejected this feature


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