action #52055
closedpublishing and mirror setup
Set up OBS and Mirror system to handle the new distribution
The ISOs and ftp tree needs to be set to be publish=enabled in OBS. If TTM is not set up yet, enable publishing from :ToTest manually:
<enable arch="local" repository="images"/>
There is a script somewhere on the obs backend that determines what gets pushed where. Adrian or Coolo know. It needs to be adjusted to handle the new distribution.
On pontifex /etc/rsyncd-internal.conf needs to have modules to allow obs to push to the right locations.
The publish_distro config needs to be adjusted too
- publish script on obs backend
- rsync module on pontifex
- publish_distro on pontifex
- /etc/xinetd.d/scan-updates on pontifex
- enable publishing in project meta
- notify ports maintainers so they do the same
- write that a new distro is coming
Updated by lnussel over 5 years ago
- Copied from action #37147: publishing and mirror setup added
Updated by lnussel over 5 years ago
- Due date changed from 2019-06-16 to 2019-06-21
- Start date changed from 2019-06-05 to 2019-06-10
Updated by lnussel over 5 years ago
note the publish script on obs side is meant to be removed. So instead of pushing directly to /srv/ftp-stage obs should push somewhere else in /srv and then we mangle whatever is needed on pontifex side. see also
Updated by lkocman over 5 years ago - Please see the filename changes
I did email autobuild regarding the publish script on OBS backend.
Max do you know how to get access to pontifex, or should I simply ask on #opensuse-admin?
Thank you
Updated by mlin7442 over 5 years ago
pontifex need opensuse heroes vpn for access, DimStar and me have the access(I need to ask my ldap password from heroes though). I think we can just postpone the PR until we had a first 15.2 snapshot.
Updated by lnussel over 5 years ago
- Due date changed from 2019-06-21 to 2019-08-09
Updated by lnussel over 5 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 70
wrote and deployed publish_distro. Set TTM to publish but nothing arrives at pontifex. still something fishy
Updated by lnussel over 5 years ago
- % Done changed from 70 to 100
Done and published. Rudi fixed the part on OBS side that was stuck