action #4066
closedaction #4058: Release Announcement
action #4064: Write Press Announcement for openSUSE 13.2
Create a draft press announcement
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
16.00 h
Take the feature highlights and use them to compose a first draft press announcement.
Some tips:
- Remember the 3x3! From those, pick the most important features to be mentioned. Again, First, Best, Only: something noteworthy.
- The headline summarizes that we released our product ("openSUSE released 13.1"), the sub-title has the most important features that our awesome distro delivers. The following paragraph expands on those and leads to the details that follow.
- Those not reading beyond the first paragraph must know the most important news! So, most important info there. Make sure to clearly answer the 5 W's & H in the first paragraph: Who is this about? What is the actual news? When does this happen? Where does this even take place? Why this is news? How is this happening?
- Include details, numbers, facts and quotes.
- 1 page is best, 2 pages absolute maximum.
Check our previous announcements for more details. 12.3 is here:
Updated by lnussel over 10 years ago
- Copied from action #434: Create a draft press announcement added
Updated by lnussel over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to New
- Target version set to 13.2 GA
- % Done changed from 100 to 0
Updated by lnussel over 10 years ago
- Due date changed from 2013-11-03 to 2014-10-22
- Start date changed from 2013-10-24 to 2014-10-13
Updated by lnussel over 9 years ago
- Copied to action #9080: Create a draft press announcement added