action #24878
closedcheck which packages turned into a fork
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Some packages in 42.2 turned into a Fork after the lookup file for 42.3 was created. Update crawler would therefore continue to try to submit from the original location instead of 42.2.
So the lookup file of 42.3 needs to be checked for forks. Maybe maintenance can help.
Updated by lnussel over 7 years ago
- Copied from action #16842: check which packages turned into a fork added
Updated by lnussel almost 7 years ago
- Due date changed from 2018-02-23 to 2018-04-08
- Start date changed from 2018-01-12 to 2018-02-25
Updated by lnussel over 6 years ago
- Category set to Release Engineering
- Status changed from New to Closed
not applicable to new code stream
Updated by lnussel over 6 years ago
- Copied to action #39410: check which packages turned into a fork added