tickets #171409
opentickets #173341: [Regression] Regression test for SLED 15SP7
tickets #171361: [Regression][GNOME] GNOME components of regression tests
[Regression][GNOME] Gnome: Launch seahorse and create a PGP key
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
- Launch seahorse from
- open "Passwords and Encryption Keys" from Application Browser
- run command "seahorse" in terminal
- Create a PGP key
- File->New
- choose "PGP Key" , touch "continue" button.
- input "full name" and "email address" for PGP key.
- A test for PGP key
(3.1) machine A:
new PGP key (named PGP-A), export PGP-A(Expand the PGP Keys -> GnuPG Keys -> Click the item you created)
(3.2) machine B:
import PGP-A
echo "some message" > fileB
run "gpg2 -e -f PGP-A.pgp fileB", and generate a *.pgp (named B.pgp)
(3.3) machine A:
run "gpg2 -d B.pgp", windows of ask for "PGP key" pops up, then input PGP-A, generate fileB and it is clear text.
- If you can't see the key you just imported, check "View -> Show Any"
VP1. seahorse be launched without any error message output.
VP2. PGP key be created successfully, it can be found in "My Personal Keys" Tab.
VP3. PGP key works fine.
Updated by GraceWang about 2 months ago
- Copied from tickets #150149: [Regression][GNOME] Gnome: Launch seahorse and create a PGP key added
Updated by GraceWang about 2 months ago
- Assignee changed from zcjia to GraceWang
- Target version changed from 15sp6 to 15sp7