tickets #171391
opentickets #173341: [Regression] Regression test for SLED 15SP7
tickets #171361: [Regression][GNOME] GNOME components of regression tests
[Regression][GNOME] Gnome: Nautilus
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Log in with a local user
Open a nautilus window
Open nautilus via: click super key ---> nautilus:
- navigate to a folder, inspect all items in the folder
- Set option "Show hidden files" via (Ctrl+H)
- copy file via: click on a file with right-button, "Copy" this file to another directory
Note on 20201214 from Grace:
This test case can be automated.
In the mean time, the below test steps are removed:
- drag files to desktop
- drag file to trash icon on desktop
- copy file via: click on a file in the nautilus window and drag it to the desktop while holding the Control key.
vp1-2. hidden files show up and all icon with filetype mapping correctly
vp5-6 file could be copied as expected
vp3. file dragged to desktop successfully
vp4. file dragged to trash successfully
Updated by GraceWang 2 months ago
- Copied from tickets #150131: [Regression][GNOME] Gnome: Nautilus added