tickets #171067
opentickets #173341: [Regression] Regression test for SLED 15SP7
tickets #171061: [Regression][Gnote] Gnote components of regression tests
[Regression][Gnote] Gnote: Note of the day behavior in German
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
s1. Make sure the "Note of the Day" is enabled
s2. Set your default language to German and verify the following note of the day functionality:
s2.1 Unmodified note is removed the next day
s2.2 Modified note of the day is left alone and a new one is created only once per day
VP2.1. Make sure that an unmodified note of the day is removed on the following day and replaced by a new note of the day.
VP2.2. Make sure that a new note of the day for the new date is available and the old saved note from the previous day was not lost.
Updated by GraceWang about 2 months ago
- Copied from tickets #150404: [Regression][Gnote] Gnote: Note of the day behavior in German added
Updated by GraceWang about 2 months ago
- Target version changed from 15sp6 to 15sp7