tickets #170842
closedtickets #173341: [Regression] Regression test for SLED 15SP7
tickets #170836: [Regression][PackageKit] Package kit component of regression tests
[Regression][PackageKit] Package Kit: Update package that suggests restart or reboot.
Install packages:
To extend the test install
These packages are provided on the media until end of Beta phase. All update-test-* will be removed latest with GMC.
The regular update channel used for testing contains an updates for all kind update-test-*, if no update exist during Beta phase, report to Maintenance team to create one.
Update some packages, which would trigger restart or reboot. (The package may be prepared on the SCC updates channel by the developer).
# zypper in update-test-reboot-neededUpdate some packages, which would trigger relogin. (The package may be prepared on the SCC updates channel by the developer).
# zypper in update-test-relogin-suggested
vp.1 After update the package, there is a window pop up in Package Updater to warn the user "A restart is required".
vp.2 After update the package, there is a window pop up in Package Updater to warn the user "You need to log out and log back in". Click the "Log out" it should quit the session.
Old Expected Result:
vp.1 After update the package,there is a icon in system tray to warn the user to reboot the system. Click the Reboot button in the icon menu entry,the system will reboot.
vp.2 After update the package,there is a icon in system tray to warn the user to relogin the session. Click the Log Out button in the icon menu entry, the system will logout.
Updated by GraceWang 3 months ago
- Copied from tickets #150524: [Regression][PackageKit] Package Kit: Update package that suggests restart or reboot. added