tickets #170713
opentickets #173341: [Regression] Regression test for SLED 15SP7
tickets #170686: [Regression][RemoteLogin] Remote Login components of regression tests
[Regression][RemoteLogin] Remote Login: Using SLES15 as remote desktop server
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Most of the remote desktop cases have been automated by openQA, but we
use SLES12SP2/SLES12SP3 as the remote server(openQA supportserver).
The point of this case is using SLES15 as the remote server.
1. Use SLES15 as VNC server to test
- Case 1610444: Remote Login: One-time VNC Session failed due to a previous graphical session
- Case 1610438: Remote Login: One-time VNC Session with Jave applet and xvnc
- Case 1610361: Remote Login: One-time VNC Session with tigervnc and xvnc
- Case 1610354: Remote Login: One-time VNC Session with remmina and xvnc
- Case 1610378: Remote Login: Persistent VNC Session with tigervnc and xvnc
2. Use SLES15 as vino server to test
- Case 1610451: Remote Login: VNC connections with vino
3. Use SLES15 as xrdp server to test
- Case 1610388: Remote Login: Windows access SLES over RDP
4. Use SLES15 as X server
- Case 1610485: Remote Login: X11 forwarding over OpenSSH
- Case 1610492: Remote Login: XDMCP with gdm and SLE-Classic configured
- Case 1610489: Remote Login: XDMCP with xdm and icewm configured
Expected Result:
The remote server should works fine as SLES12SP3
Updated by GraceWang about 2 months ago
- Copied from tickets #150587: [Regression][RemoteLogin] Remote Login: Using SLES15 as remote desktop server added
Updated by GraceWang about 2 months ago
- Assignee changed from zcjia to GraceWang
- Target version changed from 15sp6 to 15sp7