tickets #170710
opentickets #173341: [Regression] Regression test for SLED 15SP7
tickets #170686: [Regression][RemoteLogin] Remote Login components of regression tests
[Regression][RemoteLogin] Remote Login: Windows access SLES over RDP
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Windows access SLES with xrdp enabled
Client: Windows 10
Server: SLES15
- zypper in xrdp
- systemctl start xrdp
- systemctl enable xrdp
- Then open the port 3389 in the firewall
Goto Yast's firewall module Firewall \> Allowed Services \> Remote
Desktop Protocol \> Add \> Next
1. In the search box on the taskbar, type Remote Desktop Connection, and
then select Remote Desktop Connection.
2. Input hostname or IP address of the server and username you'd like to
3. You should go to the display tab and set the color depth to 16bit or
24 bit
4. Click ""Connect"" then there will be a warning window, click ""Yes""
to proceed
5. Input password of the user in the sesman (xrdp's session manager)
6. Launch some applications and do some random operation
7. Close the window
## note
check both ""xvnc"" option and ""xorg"" option
Expected Result:
4. It starts a graphical login screen(sesman) in the window
5. Log in successfully with no errors
6. Operation as normal
7. The window can be closed
Updated by GraceWang about 2 months ago
- Copied from tickets #150584: [Regression][RemoteLogin] Remote Login: Windows access SLES over RDP added
Updated by GraceWang about 2 months ago
- Target version changed from 15sp6 to 15sp7