tickets #150332
closedtickets #149954: [Regression] Regression test for SLED 15SP6
tickets #150212: [Regression][Network] Network components of regression tests
[Regression][Network] Network Manager - Change static IP address to DHCP assigned and vice versa
A static IP address that is accessable via DNS A DHCP server
Open "Settings -> Network", From "Wi-Fi", find current Wi-Fi connection. Come into edit interface by clicking the button with gear icon after the connection name.
Setup the machine with a static ip address: From "IPv4 -> Address", choose "Manual", input IP address, Netmask and Gateway. Then Apply.
Switch that address to a DHCP assignment by changing "Addresses" to "Automatic(DHCP)"
Switch a DHCP address back to a static address by changing "Addresses" to "Manual".
vp2. Verify connectivity to the network.
vp3. Verify connectivity to the network.
vp4. Verify connectivity to the network.
Updated by zcjia 10 months ago
- Copied from tickets #118519: [Regression][Network] Network Manager - Change static IP address to DHCP assigned and vice versa added