tickets #150332
closedtickets #149954: [Regression] Regression test for SLED 15SP6
tickets #150212: [Regression][Network] Network components of regression tests
[Regression][Network] Network Manager - Change static IP address to DHCP assigned and vice versa
A static IP address that is accessable via DNS A DHCP server
Open "Settings -> Network", From "Wi-Fi", find current Wi-Fi connection. Come into edit interface by clicking the button with gear icon after the connection name.
Setup the machine with a static ip address: From "IPv4 -> Address", choose "Manual", input IP address, Netmask and Gateway. Then Apply.
Switch that address to a DHCP assignment by changing "Addresses" to "Automatic(DHCP)"
Switch a DHCP address back to a static address by changing "Addresses" to "Manual".
vp2. Verify connectivity to the network.
vp3. Verify connectivity to the network.
vp4. Verify connectivity to the network.
Updated by zcjia over 1 year ago
- Copied from tickets #118519: [Regression][Network] Network Manager - Change static IP address to DHCP assigned and vice versa added
Updated by GraceWang 3 months ago
- Copied to tickets #170995: [Regression][Network] Network Manager - Change static IP address to DHCP assigned and vice versa added