tickets #118606
closedtickets #117442: [Regression] Regression test for SLED
tickets #118591: [Regression][Brasero] Brasero components of regression tests
[Regression][Brasero] Brasero: Disc copy
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
- Open brasero
- Click "Data project"
- Press the "Add" button (+)
- Select at least 3 files
- Remove any project's file selecting it and using the "Remove" button (-)
- Write a new name (brasero.iso is the name by default) and click "Create Image"
- Click the “Burn...”,
- Click “Create image”
- Select "Close" once Brasero finishes
Expected Result:
VP1. Brasero can be opened correctly
VP2. A "New Data Disc Project" window is shown
VP3. A new window asking for files appears
VP4. The files are added to the project. All information about the files is displayed: Title, Size, Description and Space
VP5. The file is removed
VP6. The name can be changed successfully
VP7. If you don't have a CD/DVD writer. A new window must appears asking for a name for the iso file
VP8. A new window appears indicating the creation process
VP9. Main "Audio Data Project" interface displayed
Updated by zcjia about 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Priority changed from High to Normal
- Relevance changed from P5 to P2
Tested in build 72.1.
Updated by zcjia over 1 year ago
- Copied to tickets #150695: [Regression][Brasero] Brasero: Disc copy added