action #100005
closedcreate component for a new Leap version in weblate
A Leap 15.X component needs to be created in weblate to collect all projects related to translating leap 15.X
Updated by lkocman about 3 years ago
- Due date set to 2022-02-25
- Assignee set to lkocman
Updated by lkocman about 3 years ago
I've messaged as I don't have permissions to do so.
Updated by sbrabec about 3 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 90
New component list was added:
And a missing component was added:
Changes comparing to Leap 15.3:
Added barrel.
Added desktop-file-translations-directories (It was a mistake in 15.3.)
Different branch of Release Notes.
searchPage removed. (Is there any successor?)
As in past, YaST has its own component list:
It contains all active YaST modules except enterprise-only sap-installation-wizard.
I added Luboš Kocman to the Managers group. Please let me know, whether you can already access the requested page.
Please review the component list. Maybe there are new projects I overseen.