value=>"\"about TIMEOUT_SCALE refer to; About QEMUTHREADS/QEMUCPUS=1 refer to workaround; about VIRTIO_CONSOLE refer to\"",
value=>"\"about TIMEOUT_SCALE refer to; About QEMUTHREADS/QEMUCPUS=1 refer to workaround\"",
description=>"INFO: Until it is possible to remove the opensuse_welcome module from, this test suite needs EXCLUDE_MODULES=opensuse_welcome (See for more information)",
description=>"NOTE: this runtest was removed in upstream LTP in commit 6425ade4a (\"delete_module*: Cleanup && Move to kernel/syscalls\"), released in LTP 20190115. Don't use it.",
description=>"More packages are installed and removed (starting with - ) for sake of matter. Installation get blocked by removed grub2 package, packages in INSTALLATION_BLOCKED will be selected back to resolve conflict and continue with installation",
description=>"Maintainer: okurz\\nTest for installation of openQA itself. To be used with \"openqa\" distri.\n\nPublishes an qcow2 image including the openQA installation ready to run as an appliance.",
description=>"Maintainer: okurz\\nTest scenario for gnuhealth software stack. Like \"gnuhealth\" but based on latest released openSUSE Leap. Differs in `HDD_1` and `START_AFTER_TEST`.",
description=>"Maintainer: okurz\\nClone the system into an autoyast profile to be used by downstream jobs, e.g. to test reinstall from that profile.",
description=>"Maintainer: slindomansilla\n\nTest the systemd version included on the iso. Please, do not add QA_HEAD_REPO to this test suite. Ask maintainer slindomansilla or szarate about this.",
description=>"Tests the openSUSE Krypton Live DVD like krypton-live, but switches to a Wayland session on login.",
description=>"Responsible person: jrauch\, okurz\\n\nTest installation using an ISO file on a second hard disk.\n\n\n",
description=>"AutoYaST installation with multi-device Btrfs. The setup containing 4 hds using two multidevice btrfs, one mounted on / and one mounted on /test. Combines partition-less disk and disk with partition, also includes an encrypted disk.",
description=>"image creation job used as parent for other jobs testing based on existing installation. Installation in textmode and selecting the textmode \"desktop\" during installation.\nHDDSIZEGB=30 for TW ppc64le kdump_and_crash in extra_tests_in_textmode",
description=>"Maintainer: zluo, riafarov\n\nTest for yast2 UI, GUI only. Running on created gnome images which provides both text console for ncurses UI tests as well as the gnome environment for the GUI tests.\n\nTemporarily added YAST2_GUI_TERMINATE_PREVIOUS_INSTANCES to see if helps. This variable triggers code which terminates all yast2 processes before starting new one. (see poo#26104).",
description=>"Install toolchain packages and test the toolchain. Uses a more powerful machine configuration.\n\n--\n\nMaintainer: slindomansilla, jrivera",
description=>"Maintainers: okurz\n\nConduct installation with encrypted LVM selected during installation.",
description=>"Maintainer: riafarov. Test installation with encrypted partitions but without lvm enabled. This is supported only by storage-ng, hence, do NOT enable test suite on distris without storage-ng.",
description=>"Maintainer: zluo, riafarov Test for yast2 UI, ncurses only. Running on created gnome images which provides both text console for ncurses UI tests as well as the gnome environment for the GUI tests.\nriafarov set TIMEOUT_SCALE to improve stability of the test.",
description=>"Installation should not start because snapper will not be configures on 10G disk",
description=>"Uses the live installer on the kde live media for upgrading the system.\n\n+QEMURAM=2048 is necessary as the HDD_1 is only available for aarch64/64-bit and more RAM is necessary.",
description=>"Maintainer: dheidler\, okurz\\nTest for systemd-networkd. These tests run on a single testmachine and spawn systemd-nspawn containers.",
description=>"Maintainer: fvogt\ This test's main job is to configure a docker host and install the docker image built within the current product and test it.",
description=>"Maintainer: okurz\, dimstar\\n\nTest for openSUSE GNOME Next Live-Media\n\nEXCLUDE_MODULES is a workaround for",
description=>"Maintainer: dheidler\\n\nInstallation without network access",
description=>"20180309 -- lnussel -- switched to last available 42.2 image 20180206; 20180319 - dimstar - use same disk image as for update_Leap_42.2_gnome, resolve poo#33061",
description=>"Boots the openSUSE Krypton/Argon Live DVD and uses the installer to install with default settings, then reboots into the installed system.",
description=>"Maintainer: riafarov, mloviska Test the selection of \"first\" disk with the guided setup in partitioning. This is also used as a prerequisite for real hardware tests to select the right disk for installation and not a \"random\" one.",
description=>"Mantainer: jeriveramoya Test selection of file system ext4 for / partition in textmode for openSUSE distributions",
description=>"TIMEOUT_SCALE property is added to avoid sporadic shutdown fails in kde\@USBboot_64 scenario.\n\nAdded by : oorlov; \n\nRelated ticket: poo#37000",
description=>"Responsible person: okurz\, lnussel\\n\n20180309 -- lnussel -- switched to last available 42.2 image 20180205. And back to opensuse-42.2-x86_64-GM-kde\@64bit.qcow2 with .",
description=>"Maintainer: fvogt, mnowak\n\nStart JeOS from the HDD image, configure it using the firstboot wizard and then run basic tests. console=tty0 added as needed for aarch64.",
description=>"Maintainer: riafarov poo#15926 (crypt-)LVM installations can take longer, especially on non-x86_64 architectures. Test suite creates encrypted lvm partition using expert partitioner and performs installation.",
description=>"Complete OS deployment with unencrypted LVM drive management. Test creates 2 LVM and BIOS boot partitions. Thin pool and thin lv resides on the second LVM partition, where /home (XFS) is being mounted.\nMaintainer: mloviska, poo#39023",
description=>"20180309 -- lnussel -- switched to last available 42.2 image 20180206.\n\nokurz: Using opensuse-42.2-x86_64-Updates-20180313-2-gnome\@64bit.qcow2 to resolved out-of-space, see",
description=>"Maintainer: jrivera The scenario is thought to contain extended tests, at the moment it only checks that EULA translations are available for another language and return back to English US to continue installation.",
description=>"This test boots 15.0 GM on aarch64 and converts the .raw.xz file pointed to by HDD_1_NAME to a .qcow2 file with the same basename and uploads it.\n\nThere's no textmode image for aarch64, so just boot kde...",
description=>"Maintainer: okurz\n\nSelecting the installer option to skip user creation, i.e. only create the root account. Verifies ssh to ensure login for the single available account is still possible.\n\nAdded in\n\nINFO: Until it is possible to remove the opensuse_welcome module from, this test suite needs EXCLUDE_MODULES=opensuse_welcome (See for more information)",
description=>"qa_test_klp, test of Kernel Livepatching Infrastructure.\nbackup: QA_TEST_KLP_REPO= (until is merged)",
description=>"Smoke test for YaST2 Firstboot module, boot an existing image, enable YaST2 Firstboot after successful login to the SUT and reboot again. SUT should boot to YaST2 Firstboot wizard, go through all Firstboot tabs, configure root and user accounts. SUT should end up in GDM screen after exiting YaST2 Firstboot.",
description=>"image creation job used as parent for other jobs testing based on existing installation. GUI-Installation and selecting the gnome desktop during installation.\n",
description=>"Install system from remote repository as long as the repo is type of repomd or susetags. Installer is loaded from local DVD and installation packages are downloaded from repo during installation. Test covers linuxrc features.",
description=>"Maintainer: dheidler\ Test GUI Toolkits",
description=>"Autoyast installation test using minimal profile, hence relying on default values. Configured parameters are set not to ignore any messages and create users as per requirements for openQA tests.\n\nMaintainer: riafarov.",
description=>"Maintainer: dimstar, okurz\n\nThe idea of the test suite is to create an installation from the last published snapshot so that we can do the upgrade from last_published to current snapshot_under_test as a test",
description=>"Smoke test for YaST2 Firstboot module, basically same as yast2_firstboot test suite. Test pre-defined autoyast profile, which enables YaST2 Firstboot during system deployment. SUT should boot to YaST2 Firstboot wizard after reboot. Test goes through all Firstboot tabs, configure root and user accounts. SUT should end up in GDM screen after exiting YaST2 Firstboot.",
description=>"\nPARTITIONING_WARNINGS=1\n\nTest installation with btrfs filesystem. Validates no_COW attributes on subvolumes, checks the /home is not on the separate partition.",
description=>"Same as lvm-full-encrypt, but with separate boot not encrypted partition. Maintainer: riafarov\n\nINSTALLONLY=1\nUNENCRYPTED_BOOT=1\nDESKTOP=gnome\nENCRYPT=1\nFULL_LVM_ENCRYPT=1",
description=>"Maintainer: okurz\\n\nLike update_Leap_42.3_kde but with special flags to enable system performance testing.\n\nRelated progress issue:",
description=>"Responsible person: okurz\, lnussel\\n\n20180309 -- lnussel -- switched to last available 42.2 image 20180205. And back to opensuse-42.2-x86_64-GM-kde\@64bit.qcow2 with .",
description=>"okurz: Replaced older HDD_1=opensuse-42.3-x86_64-Updates-20170217-1-cryptlvm\@uefi.qcow2 which was not existing anymore by HDD_1=%DISTRI%-42.3-%ARCH%-GM-cryptlvm\@%MACHINE%.qcow2 but only for this test suite. Do we need it for others as well?",
description=>"Maintainer: zluo, riafarov Test for yast2 UI, ncurses only. Running on created gnome images which provides both text console for ncurses UI tests as well as the gnome environment for the GUI tests. riafarov set TIMEOUT_SCALE to improve stability of the test. fvogt switched to minimalx to improve performance and removed TIMEOUT_SCALE for testing.",