


communication #25536 » NUE_office_downtime.txt

Anonymous, 2017-09-25 09:10


There should be something on:
* (article with some details - or a link to the wiki page with details?)
* Email to
* Email to opensuse-project and opensuse-factory - and opensuse-buildservice
* Social media
* #opensuse-admin topic
* obs announcements feed
* forums.o.o
* maybe also

* send the mail on opensuse-announce both on 2017-09-29 and a reminder 3 and 1 day before
* will see an article at 2017-09-29
* add a shortened version on around 2017-10-06 (later as the news.o.o article, to have this news as 2nd reminder on planet.o.o)
* 2017-10-06 headers of important services like wiki, forums and OBS should be changed to announce the downtime
* 2017-10-10 Email announcements go out to:
* opensuse-project
* opensuse-factory
* opensuse-buildservice
* 2017-10-13
* change the topic headers on all #opensuse-* IRC channels
* again an announcement mail on opensuse-announce
Action items:
* cboltz, ada_lovelace: ask darix to change the channel topics on all #opensuse-* IRC channels for the downtime
* tampakrap: prepare announcements and sent them around as planned
* tampakrap: be around on IRC during the downtime, to help our customers ;-)

Services Migration:
* status2: take a recent dump from status.o.o and change dns (AI: lrupp)
* is a must have - this includes a redundant PostgreSQL cluster and a mirror machine (no scanner) (AI: lrupp)
* as well
* conncheck is also important
* needs a master-master setup anyway (and is needed to not loose the DNS)
* chip is also needed (the machine that transfers the dns data to MF) - not really, as the DNS servers from MF transfer only from a specific IP, which can not be running in the Provo DC. Instead, we need to enlarge the TTL for the zone transfer to at least 4 days BEFORE the downtime

The haproxy in Provo should deliver 503 pages for all other services that are not migrated (and therefor down) during the downtime.

If time permits:
* scar - to get a log in point in Provo
* Galera cluster (as slave with a bigger lag)
* lists
* wiki machines (main + elastic search) - in read only mode
* keyserver
