


action #154816 ยป openqa-container-run-error.txt

hsehic, 2024-02-02 12:44

[info] Project dir for host localhost is /var/lib/openqa/share
[info] Registering with openQA localhost
Mojo::Reactor::Poll: Timer failed: Invalid characters in X-API-Key header at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/ line 38.
Mojo::Headers::add(Mojo::Headers=HASH(0x555aa4beae40), "X-API-Key", "424C40281001C447\x{a}6193ABEBB971226D\x{a}EF3F90519A685F23") called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/ line 91
Mojo::Headers::header(Mojo::Headers=HASH(0x555aa4beae40), "X-API-Key", "424C40281001C447\x{a}6193ABEBB971226D\x{a}EF3F90519A685F23") called at /usr/share/openqa/script/../lib/OpenQA/ line 74
OpenQA::UserAgent::_add_auth_headers(OpenQA::Client=HASH(0x555aa4bde200), OpenQA::Client=HASH(0x555aa4bde200), Mojo::Transaction::HTTP=HASH(0x555aa4bea990)) called at /usr/share/openqa/script/../lib/OpenQA/ line 50
OpenQA::UserAgent::__ANON__(OpenQA::Client=HASH(0x555aa4bde200), Mojo::Transaction::HTTP=HASH(0x555aa4bea990)) called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/ line 15
Mojo::EventEmitter::emit(OpenQA::Client=HASH(0x555aa4bde200), "start", Mojo::Transaction::HTTP=HASH(0x555aa4bea990)) called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/ line 324
Mojo::UserAgent::_start(OpenQA::Client=HASH(0x555aa4bde200), Mojo::IOLoop=HASH(0x555aa4beb0f8), Mojo::Transaction::HTTP=HASH(0x555aa4bea990), CODE(0x555aa4beb140)) called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/ line 66
Mojo::UserAgent::start(OpenQA::Client=HASH(0x555aa4bde200), Mojo::Transaction::HTTP=HASH(0x555aa4bea990), undef) called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/ line 38
Mojo::UserAgent::post(OpenQA::Client=HASH(0x555aa4bde200), Mojo::URL=HASH(0x555aa4bde6c8), "json", HASH(0x555aa16d9a10)) called at /usr/share/openqa/script/../lib/OpenQA/Worker/ line 98
OpenQA::Worker::WebUIConnection::register(OpenQA::Worker::WebUIConnection=HASH(0x555aa16e1918)) called at /usr/share/openqa/script/../lib/OpenQA/ line 345
OpenQA::Worker::__ANON__(Mojo::IOLoop=HASH(0x555aa304a4d0)) called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/ line 72
Mojo::IOLoop::__ANON__(Mojo::Reactor::Poll=HASH(0x555aa1895b48)) called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/Reactor/ line 129
Mojo::Reactor::Poll::_next(Mojo::Reactor::Poll=HASH(0x555aa1895b48)) called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/Reactor/ line 141
eval {...} called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/Reactor/ line 141
Mojo::Reactor::Poll::_try(Mojo::Reactor::Poll=HASH(0x555aa1895b48), "Timer", CODE(0x555aa3042c40)) called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/Reactor/ line 83
Mojo::Reactor::Poll::one_tick(Mojo::Reactor::Poll=HASH(0x555aa1895b48)) called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/Reactor/ line 101
Mojo::Reactor::Poll::start(Mojo::Reactor::Poll=HASH(0x555aa1895b48)) called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/ line 134
Mojo::IOLoop::start(Mojo::IOLoop=HASH(0x555aa304a4d0)) called at /usr/share/openqa/script/../lib/OpenQA/ line 364
OpenQA::Worker::exec(OpenQA::Worker=HASH(0x555aa4bdde40)) called at /usr/share/openqa/script/worker line 125
at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/ line 22.
Mojo::IOLoop::__ANON__(Mojo::Reactor::Poll=HASH(0x555aa1895b48), "Timer failed: Invalid characters in X-API-Key header at /usr/"...) called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/ line 15
Mojo::EventEmitter::emit(Mojo::Reactor::Poll=HASH(0x555aa1895b48), "error", "Timer failed: Invalid characters in X-API-Key header at /usr/"...) called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/Reactor/ line 141
Mojo::Reactor::Poll::_try(Mojo::Reactor::Poll=HASH(0x555aa1895b48), "Timer", CODE(0x555aa3042c40)) called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/Reactor/ line 83
Mojo::Reactor::Poll::one_tick(Mojo::Reactor::Poll=HASH(0x555aa1895b48)) called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/Reactor/ line 101
Mojo::Reactor::Poll::start(Mojo::Reactor::Poll=HASH(0x555aa1895b48)) called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Mojo/ line 134
Mojo::IOLoop::start(Mojo::IOLoop=HASH(0x555aa304a4d0)) called at /usr/share/openqa/script/../lib/OpenQA/ line 364
OpenQA::Worker::exec(OpenQA::Worker=HASH(0x555aa4bdde40)) called at /usr/share/openqa/script/worker line 125
[error] Stopping because a critical error occurred.
[error] Another error occurred when trying to stop gracefully due to an error
[error] Trying to kill ourself forcefully now
+ '[' 1 -ne 0 ']'
+ openqa-clone-job /bin/bash
openqa-clone-job - creates a new job based on an existing job

Clones a job from the local or a remote openQA instance. Downloads all
assets associated with the job (unless --skip-download is specified).
Optionally settings can be modified.

openqa-clone-job [OPTIONS] JOBREF [KEY=[VALUE] ...]

# clones job 42 (and any existing parents) from "" to the local openQA instance
# note: If job 42 is a parallel parent (e.g. a "server" job), its parallel children (e.g. "client"
# jobs) will be cloned as well.
openqa-clone-job --from
openqa-clone-job --from 42

# clones job 42 (and any existing parents) from "" to the openQA instance ""
openqa-clone-job --skip-download --from --host 42

# clones job 42 (and any existing parents) within "" modifying some job settings
openqa-clone-job --within-instance MAKETESTSNAPSHOTS=1 TEST+=:PR-123 FOOBAR=

# clones job 42 including all of its direct children but excluding its chained parents
openqa-clone-job --skip-chained-deps --clone-children

Call with either a full URL pointing to a test job to clone from or one
of both parameters "--from" or "--within-instance". The job ID can be
specified as part of the URL or as its own parameter.

API key and secret are read from "client.conf" if not specified via CLI
arguments. The config file is checked for under "$OPENQA_CONFIG",
"~/.config/openqa" and "/etc/openqa" in this order. It must look like

key = 45ABCEB4562ACB04
secret = 4BA0003086C4CB95
key = D7345DA7B9D86B3B
secret = A98CDBA9C8DB87BD

Any parent jobs (chained or parallel) are also cloned unless
"--skip-deps" or "--skip-chained-deps" is specified. If
"--skip-chained-deps" is specified published assets generated by parent
jobs are downloaded to be directly used instead of generated. Keep in
mind that by default any additionally specified job settings are NOT
added to the also cloned parent jobs.

Note that the child job is the one which has the "START_AFTER_TEST" or
"PARALLEL_WITH" setting and the parent job is the one mentioned by that

Cloning directly chained dependencies ("START_DIRECTLY_AFTER_TEST") is
NOT supported.

--host HOST
Specifies the hostname of the target openQA instance (defaults to

Assets are still always downloaded to the local machine. When
specifying a remote host make sure the assets are already there and
use "--skip-download".

--from HOST
Specifies the hostname of the openQA instance to clone the job from
(deduced from JOBREF if it is a URL).

--dir DIR
Specifies the directory to store test assets (defaults to

Do NOT clone parent jobs (which is done by default).

Do NOT clone chained parent jobs (jobs specified via

This makes the job use the downloaded HDD image instead of running
the generator job again which is of course only possible if --host
is the local machine.

Do NOT download assets. You need to ensure all required assets are
provided yourself.

Cloning a job will not fail if an asset is missing.

Clone all direct child jobs as well. By default, only parallel child
jobs are cloned.

Specifies the max depth for cloning children. By default, only
direct children are cloned. Use 0 to denote infinity.

--within-instance HOST
A shortcut for "--skip-download --from HOST --host HOST" to clone a
job within a local or remote instance.

Displays a progress bar when downloading assets.

Provides parental job with settings specified via command line (they
go to child job by default).

Prints an `openqa-cli` command to create the jobs instead of
creating them directly. This is useful to customize the API call or
to review it before submitting.

--apikey <value>
Specifies the public key needed for API authentication.

--apisecret <value>
Specifies the secret key needed for API authentication.

--verbose, -v
Increases verbosity.

--help, -h
Prints help.

evergreen131:~ #
