


action #76774 ยป job.log

mkittler, 2020-10-29 11:23

Running with gitlab-runner 13.5.0 (ece86343)
 on gitlab-worker2:leap42.3 76b45587
Preparing the "kubernetes" executor
Using Kubernetes namespace: gitlab
Using Kubernetes executor with image ...
Preparing environment
Waiting for pod gitlab/runner-76b45587-project-4877-concurrent-1zvhcc to be running, status is Pending
Running on runner-76b45587-project-4877-concurrent-1zvhcc via gitlab-worker2...
Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
$ eval $(ssh-agent -s)
Agent pid 15
$ echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add - > /dev/null
$ mkdir -p ~/.ssh
Identity added: (stdin) (o3-openqa-scripts-deployment)
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh
$ echo "$SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS" > ~/.ssh/known_hosts
$ chmod 644 ~/.ssh/known_hosts
$ echo -e 'Host o3\n\tUser o3-openqa-scripts\n\tHostName\n\tPort 2215' > ~/.ssh/config
$ export TARGET=${TARGET:-""}
$ export MAIL=${MAIL:-""}
++ echo '$ git clone --depth 1 . && \ # collapsed multi-line command'
$ ( # collapsed multi-line command
$ git clone --depth 1 . && \ # collapsed multi-line command
++ git clone --depth 1 .
Cloning into '.'...
.++ mkdir -p /root/.config/openqa
++ echo -e '[]\nkey = [MASKED]\nsecret = [MASKED]'
++ export
++ echo '$ ./openqa-monitor-incompletes | env dry_run=1 sh -ex ./openqa-label-known-issues'
$ ./openqa-monitor-incompletes | env dry_run=1 sh -ex ./openqa-label-known-issues
++ ./openqa-monitor-incompletes
++ env dry_run=1 sh -ex ./openqa-label-known-issues
+ set -o pipefail
+ scheme=https
+ host_url=
+ dry_run=1
+ min_search_term=16
+ issue_marker=auto_review%3A
+ issue_query='*&subject=~auto_review%3A'
+ reason_min_length=8
+ to_review=()
+ main
+ '[' 1 = 1 ']'
+ client_prefix=echo
+ client_call='echo openqa-client --host'
++ curl -s '*&subject=~auto_review%3A'
++ jq -r '.issues | .[] | (.id,.subject)'
Warning: Permanently added the ECDSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
+ issues='75364
[qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"
100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry
Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry
Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)
Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"
auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"
auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry
Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded
job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."
job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?
Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing
[qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"
Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"
job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details
Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"
Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry
harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"
[opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead
[desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry
[desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry
[qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"
[network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link
test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"
auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
++ cat -
++ sed 's/ .*$//'
.......+ for i in $(cat - | sed 's/ .*$//')
+ investigate_issue
+ local id=4899635
+ local out
+ local reason
+ local curl
++ openqa-client --json-output --host jobs/4899635
++ jq -r .job.reason
.+ reason='backend died: Error connecting to VNC server <>: IO::Socket::INET: connect: Connection refused'
+ '[' -n 'backend died: Error connecting to VNC server <>: IO::Socket::INET: connect: Connection refused' ']'
+ '[' 122 -lt 8 ']'
++ mktemp
+ out=/tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
++ curl -s -w '%{http_code}' -o /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ curl=200
+ echo 'backend died: Error connecting to VNC server <>: IO::Socket::INET: connect: Connection refused'
+ [[ 200 != \2\0\0 ]]
+ label_on_issues_from_issue_tracker 4899635
+ local id=4899635
+ echo '75364
[qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"
100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry
Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry
Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)
Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"
auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"
auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry
Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded
job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."
job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?
Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing
[qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"
Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"
job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details
Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"
Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry
harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"
[opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead
[desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry
[desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry
[qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"
[network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link
test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"
auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ search='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*'
+ [[ 143 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*' 'poo#75364 [qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"' '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*'
+ comment='poo#75364 [qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ restart='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry'
+ search='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm'
+ [[ 100 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 '(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm' 'poo#75259 100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm'
+ comment='poo#75259 100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry'
+ search='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*'
+ [[ 78 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*' 'poo#73525 Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*'
+ comment='poo#73525 Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23'
+ [[ 50 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23' 'poo#73396 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23'
+ comment='poo#73396 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ search='(?m)api failure$'
+ [[ 16 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 '(?m)api failure$' 'poo#73375 Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)' '(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='(?m)api failure$'
+ comment='poo#73375 Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ restart='(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?m)api failure$' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ search='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*'
+ [[ 94 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*' 'poo#73369 Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3' '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*'
+ comment='poo#73369 Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ restart='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*'
+ [[ 126 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*' 'poo#73339 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"' 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*'
+ comment='poo#73339 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ restart='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ search='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ'
+ [[ 81 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ' 'poo#73297 auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"' '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ'
+ comment='poo#73297 auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ restart='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ search='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found'
+ [[ 38 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found' 'poo#73294 auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act' 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found'
+ comment='poo#73294 auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ restart='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly'
+ [[ 91 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly' 'poo#73288 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly'
+ comment='poo#73288 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error'
+ search='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download'
+ [[ 50 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 '(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download' 'poo#73285 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download'
+ comment='poo#73285 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away'
+ [[ 80 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away' 'poo#73282 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away'
+ comment='poo#73282 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*'
+ [[ 78 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*' 'poo#73273 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*'
+ comment='poo#73273 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ search='backend died: Migrate to file failed'
+ [[ 36 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'backend died: Migrate to file failed' 'poo#72079 Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"' 'backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='backend died: Migrate to file failed'
+ comment='poo#72079 Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ restart='backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: Migrate to file failed' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded'
+ search='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download'
+ [[ 89 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 '(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download' 'poo#71827 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download'
+ comment='poo#71827 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ search='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.'
+ [[ 97 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.' 'poo#71227 job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."' 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.'
+ comment='poo#71227 job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ restart='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ search='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details'
+ [[ 59 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details' 'poo#71188 job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong' 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details'
+ comment='poo#71188 job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ restart='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close'
+ [[ 69 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close' 'poo#71185 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close'
+ comment='poo#71185 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing'
+ search='Encoder not accepting data'
+ [[ 26 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'Encoder not accepting data' 'poo#70873 Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='Encoder not accepting data'
+ comment='poo#70873 Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Encoder not accepting data' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ search='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi'
+ [[ 96 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi' 'poo#69787 [qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"' '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi'
+ comment='poo#69787 [qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ restart='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"'
+ search='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp'
+ [[ 84 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp' 'poo#69691 Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp'
+ comment='poo#69691 Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback'
+ search='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10'
+ [[ 35 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10' 'poo#69553 job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10'
+ comment='poo#69553 job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details'
+ search='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download'
+ [[ 68 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 '(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download' 'poo#69448 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download'
+ comment='poo#69448 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='External encoder not accepting data"'
+ search='External encoder not accepting data'
+ [[ 35 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'External encoder not accepting data' 'poo#68923 Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"' 'External encoder not accepting data"'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='External encoder not accepting data'
+ comment='poo#68923 Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"'
+ restart='External encoder not accepting data"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'External encoder not accepting data' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry'
+ search='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*'
+ [[ 62 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*' 'poo#67000 Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*'
+ comment='poo#67000 Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ search='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI'
+ [[ 54 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI' 'poo#64803 harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"' '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI'
+ comment='poo#64803 harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ restart='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ search='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen'
+ [[ 59 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen' 'poo#63457 [opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead' 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen'
+ comment='poo#63457 [opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ restart='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry'
+ search='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen'
+ [[ 39 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'match=settings timed out.*assert_screen' 'poo#63454 [desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen'
+ comment='poo#63454 [desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'match=settings timed out.*assert_screen' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry'
+ search='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out'
+ [[ 34 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out' 'poo#63397 [desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out'
+ comment='poo#63397 [desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ search='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404'
+ [[ 55 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404' 'poo#62066 [qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"' 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404'
+ comment='poo#62066 [qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ restart='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ search='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket'
+ [[ 77 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket' 'poo#60161 [network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link' 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket'
+ comment='poo#60161 [network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ restart='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ search='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]'
+ [[ 181 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]' 'poo#59926 test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"' 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]'
+ comment='poo#59926 test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ restart='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ search='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided'
+ [[ 65 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided' 'poo#59300 auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided'
+ comment='poo#59300 auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ label_on_issues_without_tickets 4899635
+ label_on_issue 4899635 '(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure' 'label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure'
+ comment='label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'File .*\.yaml.* does not exist at .*' label:missing_schedule_file
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='File .*\.yaml.* does not exist at .*'
+ comment=label:missing_schedule_file
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'File .*\.yaml.* does not exist at .*' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'Compilation failed in require at .*isotovideo line 28.' label:schedule_compilation_error
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='Compilation failed in require at .*isotovideo line 28.'
+ comment=label:schedule_compilation_error
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Compilation failed in require at .*isotovideo line 28.' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'qemu-img: Could not open .*: No such file or directory' label:missing_asset
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='qemu-img: Could not open .*: No such file or directory'
+ comment=label:missing_asset
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'qemu-img: Could not open .*: No such file or directory' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'fatal: Remote branch .* not found' 'label:remote_branch_not_found, probably wrong custom git URL specified with branch'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='fatal: Remote branch .* not found'
+ comment='label:remote_branch_not_found, probably wrong custom git URL specified with branch'
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'fatal: Remote branch .* not found' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ label_on_issue 4899635 'fatal: repository not found' 'label:remote_repo_not_found, probably wrong custom git URL specified'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='fatal: repository not found'
+ comment='label:remote_repo_not_found, probably wrong custom git URL specified'
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'fatal: repository not found' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ label_on_issue 4899635 '(?s)Cloning git URL.*to use as test distribution.*(No scripts in|needledir not found)' 'label:remote_repo_invalid, probably wrong custom git URL specified'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='(?s)Cloning git URL.*to use as test distribution.*(No scripts in|needledir not found)'
+ comment='label:remote_repo_invalid, probably wrong custom git URL specified'
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Cloning git URL.*to use as test distribution.*(No scripts in|needledir not found)' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ label_on_issue 4899635 '(?s)Cloning git URL.*to use as test distribution.*(SCHEDULE.*not set|loadtest needs a script below)' 'label:remote_repo_schedule_not_found, probably wrong custom git URL + PRODUCTDIR specified'
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='(?s)Cloning git URL.*to use as test distribution.*(SCHEDULE.*not set|loadtest needs a script below)'
+ comment='label:remote_repo_schedule_not_found, probably wrong custom git URL + PRODUCTDIR specified'
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Cloning git URL.*to use as test distribution.*(SCHEDULE.*not set|loadtest needs a script below)' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ label_on_issue 4899635 '\[error\] Failed to download' 'label:download_error potentially out-of-space worker?' 1
+ id=4899635
+ search_term='\[error\] Failed to download'
+ comment='label:download_error potentially out-of-space worker?'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '\[error\] Failed to download' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ return 1
+ false
+ handle_unknown /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak 'backend died: Error connecting to VNC server <>: IO::Socket::INET: connect: Connection refused'
+ local i= out=/tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak 'reason=backend died: Error connecting to VNC server <>: IO::Socket::INET: connect: Connection refused'
+ to_review+=("$i ${reason:0:50}")
+ echoerr ' : Unknown issue, to be reviewed ->'
+ echo ' : Unknown issue, to be reviewed ->' : Unknown issue, to be reviewed ->
+ echoerr -e 'Likely the error is within this log excerpt, last lines before shutdown:\n---'
+ echo -e 'Likely the error is within this log excerpt, last lines before shutdown:\n---'
Likely the error is within this log excerpt, last lines before shutdown:
+ grep -A 12 'Backend process died, backend errors are reported below in the following lines' /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ head -n -1
[2020-10-28T09:15:15.068 CET] [debug] Backend process died, backend errors are reported below in the following lines:
Error connecting to VNC server <>: IO::Socket::INET: connect: Connection refused
[2020-10-28T09:15:15.068 CET] [debug] Closing SSH serial connection with
[2020-10-28T09:15:15.069 CET] [debug] Destroying openQA-SUT-2 virtual machine
[2020-10-28T09:15:15.069 CET] [debug] <<< backend::baseclass::run_ssh_cmd(cmd="virsh destroy openQA-SUT-2", keep_open=1, wantarray=0)
[2020-10-28T09:15:15.069 CET] [debug] <<< backend::baseclass::run_ssh(cmd="virsh destroy openQA-SUT-2", wantarray=0, keep_open=1)
[2020-10-28T09:15:15.069 CET] [debug] <<< backend::baseclass::new_ssh_connection(blocking=1, keep_open=1, wantarray=0)
[2020-10-28T09:15:15.244 CET] [debug] [run_ssh_cmd(virsh destroy openQA-SUT-2)] stdout:

[2020-10-28T09:15:15.244 CET] [debug] [run_ssh_cmd(virsh destroy openQA-SUT-2)] stderr:
error: failed to get domain 'openQA-SUT-2'
+ echoerr ---
+ echo ---
+ rm /tmp/tmp.0WUAQeruak
+ for i in $(cat - | sed 's/ .*$//')
+ investigate_issue
+ local id=4900126
+ local out
+ local reason
+ local curl
++ jq -r .job.reason
++ openqa-client --json-output --host jobs/4900126
+ reason='setup failure: Failed to download SLES-%VERSION%-%ARCH%-%TEST%-Build%BUILD%-%FLAVOR%-%MACHINE%.qcow2 to /var/lib/openqa/cache/'
+ '[' -n 'setup failure: Failed to download SLES-%VERSION%-%ARCH%-%TEST%-Build%BUILD%-%FLAVOR%-%MACHINE%.qcow2 to /var/lib/openqa/cache/' ']'
+ '[' 207 -lt 8 ']'
++ mktemp
+ out=/tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
++ curl -s -w '%{http_code}' -o /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ curl=200
+ echo 'setup failure: Failed to download SLES-%VERSION%-%ARCH%-%TEST%-Build%BUILD%-%FLAVOR%-%MACHINE%.qcow2 to /var/lib/openqa/cache/'
+ [[ 200 != \2\0\0 ]]
+ label_on_issues_from_issue_tracker 4900126
+ local id=4900126
+ echo '75364
[qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"
100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry
Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry
Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)
Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"
auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"
auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry
Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded
job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."
job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?
Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing
[qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"
Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"
job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details
Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"
Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry
harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"
[opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead
[desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry
[desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry
[qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"
[network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link
test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"
auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ search='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*'
+ [[ 143 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*' 'poo#75364 [qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"' '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*'
+ comment='poo#75364 [qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ restart='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry'
+ search='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm'
+ [[ 100 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 '(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm' 'poo#75259 100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm'
+ comment='poo#75259 100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry'
+ search='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*'
+ [[ 78 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*' 'poo#73525 Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*'
+ comment='poo#73525 Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23'
+ [[ 50 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23' 'poo#73396 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23'
+ comment='poo#73396 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ search='(?m)api failure$'
+ [[ 16 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 '(?m)api failure$' 'poo#73375 Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)' '(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='(?m)api failure$'
+ comment='poo#73375 Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ restart='(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?m)api failure$' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ search='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*'
+ [[ 94 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*' 'poo#73369 Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3' '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*'
+ comment='poo#73369 Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ restart='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*'
+ [[ 126 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*' 'poo#73339 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"' 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*'
+ comment='poo#73339 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ restart='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ search='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ'
+ [[ 81 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ' 'poo#73297 auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"' '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ'
+ comment='poo#73297 auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ restart='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ search='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found'
+ [[ 38 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found' 'poo#73294 auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act' 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found'
+ comment='poo#73294 auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ restart='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly'
+ [[ 91 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly' 'poo#73288 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly'
+ comment='poo#73288 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error'
+ search='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download'
+ [[ 50 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 '(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download' 'poo#73285 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download'
+ comment='poo#73285 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away'
+ [[ 80 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away' 'poo#73282 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away'
+ comment='poo#73282 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*'
+ [[ 78 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*' 'poo#73273 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*'
+ comment='poo#73273 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ search='backend died: Migrate to file failed'
+ [[ 36 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'backend died: Migrate to file failed' 'poo#72079 Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"' 'backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='backend died: Migrate to file failed'
+ comment='poo#72079 Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ restart='backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: Migrate to file failed' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded'
+ search='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download'
+ [[ 89 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 '(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download' 'poo#71827 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download'
+ comment='poo#71827 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ search='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.'
+ [[ 97 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.' 'poo#71227 job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."' 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.'
+ comment='poo#71227 job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ restart='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ search='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details'
+ [[ 59 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details' 'poo#71188 job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong' 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details'
+ comment='poo#71188 job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ restart='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close'
+ [[ 69 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close' 'poo#71185 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close'
+ comment='poo#71185 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing'
+ search='Encoder not accepting data'
+ [[ 26 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'Encoder not accepting data' 'poo#70873 Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='Encoder not accepting data'
+ comment='poo#70873 Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Encoder not accepting data' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ search='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi'
+ [[ 96 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi' 'poo#69787 [qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"' '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi'
+ comment='poo#69787 [qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ restart='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"'
+ search='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp'
+ [[ 84 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp' 'poo#69691 Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp'
+ comment='poo#69691 Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback'
+ search='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10'
+ [[ 35 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10' 'poo#69553 job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10'
+ comment='poo#69553 job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details'
+ search='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download'
+ [[ 68 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 '(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download' 'poo#69448 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download'
+ comment='poo#69448 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='External encoder not accepting data"'
+ search='External encoder not accepting data'
+ [[ 35 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'External encoder not accepting data' 'poo#68923 Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"' 'External encoder not accepting data"'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='External encoder not accepting data'
+ comment='poo#68923 Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"'
+ restart='External encoder not accepting data"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'External encoder not accepting data' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry'
+ search='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*'
+ [[ 62 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*' 'poo#67000 Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*'
+ comment='poo#67000 Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ search='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI'
+ [[ 54 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI' 'poo#64803 harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"' '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI'
+ comment='poo#64803 harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ restart='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ search='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen'
+ [[ 59 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen' 'poo#63457 [opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead' 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen'
+ comment='poo#63457 [opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ restart='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry'
+ search='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen'
+ [[ 39 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'match=settings timed out.*assert_screen' 'poo#63454 [desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen'
+ comment='poo#63454 [desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'match=settings timed out.*assert_screen' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry'
+ search='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out'
+ [[ 34 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out' 'poo#63397 [desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out'
+ comment='poo#63397 [desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ search='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404'
+ [[ 55 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404' 'poo#62066 [qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"' 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404'
+ comment='poo#62066 [qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ restart='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ search='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket'
+ [[ 77 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket' 'poo#60161 [network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link' 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket'
+ comment='poo#60161 [network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ restart='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ search='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]'
+ [[ 181 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]' 'poo#59926 test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"' 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]'
+ comment='poo#59926 test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ restart='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ search='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided'
+ [[ 65 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided' 'poo#59300 auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided'
+ comment='poo#59300 auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ label_on_issues_without_tickets 4900126
+ label_on_issue 4900126 '(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure' 'label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure'
+ comment='label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'File .*\.yaml.* does not exist at .*' label:missing_schedule_file
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='File .*\.yaml.* does not exist at .*'
+ comment=label:missing_schedule_file
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'File .*\.yaml.* does not exist at .*' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'Compilation failed in require at .*isotovideo line 28.' label:schedule_compilation_error
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='Compilation failed in require at .*isotovideo line 28.'
+ comment=label:schedule_compilation_error
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Compilation failed in require at .*isotovideo line 28.' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'qemu-img: Could not open .*: No such file or directory' label:missing_asset
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='qemu-img: Could not open .*: No such file or directory'
+ comment=label:missing_asset
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'qemu-img: Could not open .*: No such file or directory' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ label_on_issue 4900126 'fatal: Remote branch .* not found' 'label:remote_branch_not_found, probably wrong custom git URL specified with branch'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='fatal: Remote branch .* not found'
+ comment='label:remote_branch_not_found, probably wrong custom git URL specified with branch'
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'fatal: Remote branch .* not found' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
.+ label_on_issue 4900126 'fatal: repository not found' 'label:remote_repo_not_found, probably wrong custom git URL specified'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='fatal: repository not found'
+ comment='label:remote_repo_not_found, probably wrong custom git URL specified'
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'fatal: repository not found' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ label_on_issue 4900126 '(?s)Cloning git URL.*to use as test distribution.*(No scripts in|needledir not found)' 'label:remote_repo_invalid, probably wrong custom git URL specified'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='(?s)Cloning git URL.*to use as test distribution.*(No scripts in|needledir not found)'
+ comment='label:remote_repo_invalid, probably wrong custom git URL specified'
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Cloning git URL.*to use as test distribution.*(No scripts in|needledir not found)' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ label_on_issue 4900126 '(?s)Cloning git URL.*to use as test distribution.*(SCHEDULE.*not set|loadtest needs a script below)' 'label:remote_repo_schedule_not_found, probably wrong custom git URL + PRODUCTDIR specified'
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='(?s)Cloning git URL.*to use as test distribution.*(SCHEDULE.*not set|loadtest needs a script below)'
+ comment='label:remote_repo_schedule_not_found, probably wrong custom git URL + PRODUCTDIR specified'
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Cloning git URL.*to use as test distribution.*(SCHEDULE.*not set|loadtest needs a script below)' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ label_on_issue 4900126 '\[error\] Failed to download' 'label:download_error potentially out-of-space worker?' 1
+ id=4900126
+ search_term='\[error\] Failed to download'
+ comment='label:download_error potentially out-of-space worker?'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '\[error\] Failed to download' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ return 1
+ false
+ handle_unknown /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO 'setup failure: Failed to download SLES-%VERSION%-%ARCH%-%TEST%-Build%BUILD%-%FLAVOR%-%MACHINE%.qcow2 to /var/lib/openqa/cache/'
+ local i= out=/tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO 'reason=setup failure: Failed to download SLES-%VERSION%-%ARCH%-%TEST%-Build%BUILD%-%FLAVOR%-%MACHINE%.qcow2 to /var/lib/openqa/cache/'
+ to_review+=("$i ${reason:0:50}")
+ echoerr ' : Unknown issue, to be reviewed ->'
+ echo ' : Unknown issue, to be reviewed ->' : Unknown issue, to be reviewed ->
+ echoerr -e 'Likely the error is within this log excerpt, last lines before shutdown:\n---'
+ echo -e 'Likely the error is within this log excerpt, last lines before shutdown:\n---'
Likely the error is within this log excerpt, last lines before shutdown:
+ grep -A 12 'Backend process died, backend errors are reported below in the following lines' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ head -n -1
+ grep -B 10 'sending magic and exit' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ grep -B 5 'killing command server.*because test execution ended through exception' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ grep -B 5 'EXIT 1' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ grep -B 10 '\(Result: died\|isotovideo failed\)' /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ echo '(No log excerpt found)'
+ echoerr ---
+ echo ---
+ rm /tmp/tmp.a0QpMS9WVO
+ for i in $(cat - | sed 's/ .*$//')
+ investigate_issue
+ local id=4913817
+ local out
+ local reason
+ local curl
++ openqa-client --json-output --host jobs/4913817
++ jq -r .job.reason
+ reason='setup failure: Failed to download sle-15-SP3-s390x-69.7-textmode@s390x-kvm-sle12.qcow2 to /var/lib/openqa/cache/'
+ '[' -n 'setup failure: Failed to download sle-15-SP3-s390x-69.7-textmode@s390x-kvm-sle12.qcow2 to /var/lib/openqa/cache/' ']'
+ '[' 179 -lt 8 ']'
++ mktemp
+ out=/tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
++ curl -s -w '%{http_code}' -o /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ curl=200
+ echo 'setup failure: Failed to download sle-15-SP3-s390x-69.7-textmode@s390x-kvm-sle12.qcow2 to /var/lib/openqa/cache/'
+ [[ 200 != \2\0\0 ]]
+ label_on_issues_from_issue_tracker 4913817
+ local id=4913817
+ echo '75364
[qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"
100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry
Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry
Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)
Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"
auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"
auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry
Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded
job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."
job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?
Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing
[qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"
Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"
job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details
Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"
Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry
harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"
[opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead
[desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry
[desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry
[qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"
[network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link
test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"
auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ search='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*'
+ [[ 143 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*' 'poo#75364 [qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"' '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*'
+ comment='poo#75364 [qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ restart='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry'
+ search='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm'
+ [[ 100 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 '(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm' 'poo#75259 100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry' 1
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm'
+ comment='poo#75259 100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry'
+ search='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*'
+ [[ 78 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*' 'poo#73525 Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry' 1
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*'
+ comment='poo#73525 Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23'
+ [[ 50 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23' 'poo#73396 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry' 1
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23'
+ comment='poo#73396 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ search='(?m)api failure$'
+ [[ 16 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 '(?m)api failure$' 'poo#73375 Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)' '(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='(?m)api failure$'
+ comment='poo#73375 Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ restart='(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?m)api failure$' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ search='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*'
+ [[ 94 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*' 'poo#73369 Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3' '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*'
+ comment='poo#73369 Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ restart='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*'
+ [[ 126 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*' 'poo#73339 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"' 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*'
+ comment='poo#73339 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ restart='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ search='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ'
+ [[ 81 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ' 'poo#73297 auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"' '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ'
+ comment='poo#73297 auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ restart='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ search='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found'
+ [[ 38 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found' 'poo#73294 auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act' 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found'
+ comment='poo#73294 auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ restart='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly'
+ [[ 91 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly' 'poo#73288 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry' 1
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly'
+ comment='poo#73288 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error'
+ search='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download'
+ [[ 50 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 '(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download' 'poo#73285 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error' 1
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download'
+ comment='poo#73285 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away'
+ [[ 80 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away' 'poo#73282 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry' 1
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away'
+ comment='poo#73282 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*'
+ [[ 78 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*' 'poo#73273 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry' 1
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*'
+ comment='poo#73273 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ search='backend died: Migrate to file failed'
+ [[ 36 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'backend died: Migrate to file failed' 'poo#72079 Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"' 'backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='backend died: Migrate to file failed'
+ comment='poo#72079 Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ restart='backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: Migrate to file failed' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded'
+ search='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download'
+ [[ 89 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 '(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download' 'poo#71827 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded' 1
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download'
+ comment='poo#71827 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ search='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.'
+ [[ 97 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.' 'poo#71227 job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."' 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.'
+ comment='poo#71227 job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ restart='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ search='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details'
+ [[ 59 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details' 'poo#71188 job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong' 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details'
+ comment='poo#71188 job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ restart='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close'
+ [[ 69 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close' 'poo#71185 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?' 1
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close'
+ comment='poo#71185 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing'
+ search='Encoder not accepting data'
+ [[ 26 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'Encoder not accepting data' 'poo#70873 Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing' 1
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='Encoder not accepting data'
+ comment='poo#70873 Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Encoder not accepting data' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ search='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi'
+ [[ 96 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi' 'poo#69787 [qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"' '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi'
+ comment='poo#69787 [qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ restart='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"'
+ search='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp'
+ [[ 84 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp' 'poo#69691 Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"' 1
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp'
+ comment='poo#69691 Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback'
+ search='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10'
+ [[ 35 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10' 'poo#69553 job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback' 1
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10'
+ comment='poo#69553 job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details'
+ search='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download'
+ [[ 68 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 '(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download' 'poo#69448 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details' 1
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download'
+ comment='poo#69448 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='External encoder not accepting data"'
+ search='External encoder not accepting data'
+ [[ 35 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'External encoder not accepting data' 'poo#68923 Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"' 'External encoder not accepting data"'
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='External encoder not accepting data'
+ comment='poo#68923 Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"'
+ restart='External encoder not accepting data"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'External encoder not accepting data' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry'
+ search='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*'
+ [[ 62 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*' 'poo#67000 Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry' 1
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*'
+ comment='poo#67000 Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ search='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI'
+ [[ 54 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI' 'poo#64803 harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"' '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI'
+ comment='poo#64803 harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ restart='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ search='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen'
+ [[ 59 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen' 'poo#63457 [opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead' 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen'
+ comment='poo#63457 [opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ restart='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
openqa-client --host jobs/4913817/comments post text=label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry'
+ search='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen'
+ [[ 39 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'match=settings timed out.*assert_screen' 'poo#63454 [desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry' 1
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen'
+ comment='poo#63454 [desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'match=settings timed out.*assert_screen' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry'
+ search='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out'
+ [[ 34 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out' 'poo#63397 [desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry' 1
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out'
+ comment='poo#63397 [desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ search='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404'
+ [[ 55 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404' 'poo#62066 [qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"' 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404'
+ comment='poo#62066 [qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ restart='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ search='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket'
+ [[ 77 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket' 'poo#60161 [network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link' 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket'
+ comment='poo#60161 [network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ restart='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ search='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]'
+ [[ 181 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]' 'poo#59926 test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"' 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]'
+ comment='poo#59926 test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ restart='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ search='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided'
+ [[ 65 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913817 'DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided' 'poo#59300 auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot' 1
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided'
+ comment='poo#59300 auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ label_on_issues_without_tickets 4913817
+ label_on_issue 4913817 '(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure' 'label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ id=4913817
+ search_term='(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure'
+ comment='label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure' /tmp/tmp.lcCzInNLxR
+ echo openqa-client --host jobs/4913817/comments post 'text=label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ '[' '' = 1 ']'
+ return
+ return
+ for i in $(cat - | sed 's/ .*$//')
+ investigate_issue
+ local id=4913818
+ local out
+ local reason
+ local curl
++ openqa-client --json-output --host jobs/4913818
++ jq -r .job.reason
+ reason='setup failure: Failed to download sle-15-SP3-s390x-69.7-textmode@s390x-kvm-sle12.qcow2 to /var/lib/openqa/cache/'
+ '[' -n 'setup failure: Failed to download sle-15-SP3-s390x-69.7-textmode@s390x-kvm-sle12.qcow2 to /var/lib/openqa/cache/' ']'
+ '[' 179 -lt 8 ']'
++ mktemp
+ out=/tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
++ curl -s -w '%{http_code}' -o /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ curl=200
+ echo 'setup failure: Failed to download sle-15-SP3-s390x-69.7-textmode@s390x-kvm-sle12.qcow2 to /var/lib/openqa/cache/'
+ [[ 200 != \2\0\0 ]]
+ label_on_issues_from_issue_tracker 4913818
+ local id=4913818
+ echo '75364
[qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"
100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry
Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry
Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)
Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"
auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"
auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry
Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded
job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."
job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?
Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing
[qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"
Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"
job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details
Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"
Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry
harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"
[opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead
[desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry
[desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry
[qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"
[network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link
test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"
auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ search='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*'
+ [[ 143 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*' 'poo#75364 [qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"' '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*'
+ comment='poo#75364 [qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ restart='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry'
+ search='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm'
+ [[ 100 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 '(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm' 'poo#75259 100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry' 1
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm'
+ comment='poo#75259 100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry'
+ search='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*'
+ [[ 78 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*' 'poo#73525 Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry' 1
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*'
+ comment='poo#73525 Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23'
+ [[ 50 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23' 'poo#73396 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry' 1
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23'
+ comment='poo#73396 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ search='(?m)api failure$'
+ [[ 16 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 '(?m)api failure$' 'poo#73375 Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)' '(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='(?m)api failure$'
+ comment='poo#73375 Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ restart='(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?m)api failure$' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ search='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*'
+ [[ 94 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*' 'poo#73369 Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3' '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*'
+ comment='poo#73369 Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ restart='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*'
+ [[ 126 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*' 'poo#73339 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"' 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*'
+ comment='poo#73339 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ restart='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ search='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ'
+ [[ 81 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ' 'poo#73297 auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"' '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ'
+ comment='poo#73297 auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ restart='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ search='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found'
+ [[ 38 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found' 'poo#73294 auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act' 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found'
+ comment='poo#73294 auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ restart='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly'
+ [[ 91 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly' 'poo#73288 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry' 1
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly'
+ comment='poo#73288 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error'
+ search='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download'
+ [[ 50 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 '(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download' 'poo#73285 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error' 1
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download'
+ comment='poo#73285 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away'
+ [[ 80 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away' 'poo#73282 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry' 1
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away'
+ comment='poo#73282 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*'
+ [[ 78 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*' 'poo#73273 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry' 1
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*'
+ comment='poo#73273 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ search='backend died: Migrate to file failed'
+ [[ 36 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'backend died: Migrate to file failed' 'poo#72079 Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"' 'backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='backend died: Migrate to file failed'
+ comment='poo#72079 Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ restart='backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: Migrate to file failed' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded'
+ search='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download'
+ [[ 89 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 '(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download' 'poo#71827 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded' 1
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download'
+ comment='poo#71827 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ search='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.'
+ [[ 97 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.' 'poo#71227 job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."' 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.'
+ comment='poo#71227 job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ restart='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ search='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details'
+ [[ 59 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details' 'poo#71188 job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong' 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details'
+ comment='poo#71188 job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ restart='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close'
+ [[ 69 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close' 'poo#71185 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?' 1
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close'
+ comment='poo#71185 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing'
+ search='Encoder not accepting data'
+ [[ 26 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'Encoder not accepting data' 'poo#70873 Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing' 1
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='Encoder not accepting data'
+ comment='poo#70873 Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Encoder not accepting data' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ search='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi'
+ [[ 96 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi' 'poo#69787 [qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"' '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi'
+ comment='poo#69787 [qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ restart='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"'
+ search='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp'
+ [[ 84 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp' 'poo#69691 Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"' 1
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp'
+ comment='poo#69691 Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback'
+ search='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10'
+ [[ 35 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10' 'poo#69553 job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback' 1
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10'
+ comment='poo#69553 job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details'
+ search='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download'
+ [[ 68 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 '(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download' 'poo#69448 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details' 1
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download'
+ comment='poo#69448 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='External encoder not accepting data"'
+ search='External encoder not accepting data'
+ [[ 35 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'External encoder not accepting data' 'poo#68923 Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"' 'External encoder not accepting data"'
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='External encoder not accepting data'
+ comment='poo#68923 Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"'
+ restart='External encoder not accepting data"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'External encoder not accepting data' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry'
+ search='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*'
+ [[ 62 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*' 'poo#67000 Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry' 1
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*'
+ comment='poo#67000 Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ search='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI'
+ [[ 54 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI' 'poo#64803 harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"' '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI'
+ comment='poo#64803 harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ restart='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ search='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen'
+ [[ 59 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen' 'poo#63457 [opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead' 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen'
+ comment='poo#63457 [opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ restart='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry'
+ search='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen'
+ [[ 39 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'match=settings timed out.*assert_screen' 'poo#63454 [desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry' 1
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen'
+ comment='poo#63454 [desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'match=settings timed out.*assert_screen' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry'
+ search='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out'
+ [[ 34 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out' 'poo#63397 [desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry' 1
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out'
+ comment='poo#63397 [desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
openqa-client --host jobs/4913818/comments post text=label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ search='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404'
+ [[ 55 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404' 'poo#62066 [qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"' 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
.+ id=4913818
+ search_term='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404'
+ comment='poo#62066 [qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ restart='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ search='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket'
+ [[ 77 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket' 'poo#60161 [network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link' 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket'
+ comment='poo#60161 [network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ restart='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ search='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]'
+ [[ 181 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]' 'poo#59926 test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"' 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]'
+ comment='poo#59926 test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ restart='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ search='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided'
+ [[ 65 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913818 'DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided' 'poo#59300 auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot' 1
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided'
+ comment='poo#59300 auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ label_on_issues_without_tickets 4913818
+ label_on_issue 4913818 '(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure' 'label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ id=4913818
+ search_term='(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure'
+ comment='label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure' /tmp/tmp.eEfKQElktH
+ echo openqa-client --host jobs/4913818/comments post 'text=label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ '[' '' = 1 ']'
+ return
+ return
+ for i in $(cat - | sed 's/ .*$//')
+ investigate_issue
+ local id=4913819
+ local out
+ local reason
+ local curl
++ openqa-client --json-output --host jobs/4913819
++ jq -r .job.reason
+ reason='setup failure: Failed to download sle-15-SP3-s390x-69.7-textmode@s390x-kvm-sle12.qcow2 to /var/lib/openqa/cache/'
+ '[' -n 'setup failure: Failed to download sle-15-SP3-s390x-69.7-textmode@s390x-kvm-sle12.qcow2 to /var/lib/openqa/cache/' ']'
+ '[' 179 -lt 8 ']'
++ mktemp
+ out=/tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
++ curl -s -w '%{http_code}' -o /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ curl=200
+ echo 'setup failure: Failed to download sle-15-SP3-s390x-69.7-textmode@s390x-kvm-sle12.qcow2 to /var/lib/openqa/cache/'
+ [[ 200 != \2\0\0 ]]
+ label_on_issues_from_issue_tracker 4913819
+ local id=4913819
+ echo '75364
[qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"
100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry
Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry
Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)
Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"
auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"
auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry
Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded
job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."
job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?
Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing
[qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"
Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"
job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details
Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"
Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry
harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"
[opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead
[desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry
[desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry
[qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"
[network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link
test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"
auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ search='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*'
+ [[ 143 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*' 'poo#75364 [qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"' '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*'
+ comment='poo#75364 [qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ restart='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry'
+ search='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm'
+ [[ 100 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 '(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm' 'poo#75259 100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry' 1
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm'
+ comment='poo#75259 100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry'
+ search='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*'
+ [[ 78 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*' 'poo#73525 Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry' 1
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*'
+ comment='poo#73525 Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23'
+ [[ 50 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23' 'poo#73396 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry' 1
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23'
+ comment='poo#73396 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ search='(?m)api failure$'
+ [[ 16 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 '(?m)api failure$' 'poo#73375 Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)' '(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='(?m)api failure$'
+ comment='poo#73375 Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ restart='(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?m)api failure$' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ search='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*'
+ [[ 94 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*' 'poo#73369 Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3' '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*'
+ comment='poo#73369 Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ restart='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*'
+ [[ 126 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*' 'poo#73339 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"' 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*'
+ comment='poo#73339 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ restart='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ search='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ'
+ [[ 81 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ' 'poo#73297 auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"' '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ'
+ comment='poo#73297 auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ restart='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ search='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found'
+ [[ 38 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found' 'poo#73294 auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act' 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found'
+ comment='poo#73294 auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ restart='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly'
+ [[ 91 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly' 'poo#73288 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry' 1
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly'
+ comment='poo#73288 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error'
+ search='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download'
+ [[ 50 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 '(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download' 'poo#73285 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error' 1
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download'
+ comment='poo#73285 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away'
+ [[ 80 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away' 'poo#73282 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry' 1
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away'
+ comment='poo#73282 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*'
+ [[ 78 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*' 'poo#73273 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry' 1
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*'
+ comment='poo#73273 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ search='backend died: Migrate to file failed'
+ [[ 36 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'backend died: Migrate to file failed' 'poo#72079 Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"' 'backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='backend died: Migrate to file failed'
+ comment='poo#72079 Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ restart='backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: Migrate to file failed' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded'
+ search='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download'
+ [[ 89 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 '(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download' 'poo#71827 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded' 1
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download'
+ comment='poo#71827 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ search='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.'
+ [[ 97 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.' 'poo#71227 job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."' 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.'
+ comment='poo#71227 job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ restart='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ search='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details'
+ [[ 59 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details' 'poo#71188 job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong' 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details'
+ comment='poo#71188 job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ restart='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close'
+ [[ 69 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close' 'poo#71185 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?' 1
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close'
+ comment='poo#71185 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing'
+ search='Encoder not accepting data'
+ [[ 26 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'Encoder not accepting data' 'poo#70873 Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing' 1
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='Encoder not accepting data'
+ comment='poo#70873 Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Encoder not accepting data' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ search='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi'
+ [[ 96 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi' 'poo#69787 [qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"' '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi'
+ comment='poo#69787 [qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ restart='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"'
+ search='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp'
+ [[ 84 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp' 'poo#69691 Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"' 1
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp'
+ comment='poo#69691 Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback'
+ search='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10'
+ [[ 35 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10' 'poo#69553 job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback' 1
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10'
+ comment='poo#69553 job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details'
+ search='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download'
+ [[ 68 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 '(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download' 'poo#69448 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details' 1
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download'
+ comment='poo#69448 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='External encoder not accepting data"'
+ search='External encoder not accepting data'
+ [[ 35 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'External encoder not accepting data' 'poo#68923 Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"' 'External encoder not accepting data"'
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='External encoder not accepting data'
+ comment='poo#68923 Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"'
+ restart='External encoder not accepting data"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'External encoder not accepting data' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry'
+ search='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*'
+ [[ 62 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*' 'poo#67000 Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry' 1
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*'
+ comment='poo#67000 Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ search='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI'
+ [[ 54 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI' 'poo#64803 harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"' '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI'
+ comment='poo#64803 harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ restart='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ search='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen'
+ [[ 59 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen' 'poo#63457 [opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead' 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen'
+ comment='poo#63457 [opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ restart='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry'
+ search='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen'
+ [[ 39 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'match=settings timed out.*assert_screen' 'poo#63454 [desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry' 1
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen'
+ comment='poo#63454 [desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'match=settings timed out.*assert_screen' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry'
+ search='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out'
+ [[ 34 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out' 'poo#63397 [desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry' 1
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out'
+ comment='poo#63397 [desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry'
+ restart=1
openqa-client --host jobs/4913819/comments post text=label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ search='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404'
+ [[ 55 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404' 'poo#62066 [qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"' 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404'
+ comment='poo#62066 [qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ restart='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ search='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket'
+ [[ 77 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket' 'poo#60161 [network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link' 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket'
+ comment='poo#60161 [network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ restart='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ search='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]'
+ [[ 181 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]' 'poo#59926 test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"' 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]'
+ comment='poo#59926 test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ restart='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ search='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided'
+ [[ 65 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913819 'DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided' 'poo#59300 auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot' 1
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided'
+ comment='poo#59300 auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ label_on_issues_without_tickets 4913819
+ label_on_issue 4913819 '(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure' 'label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ id=4913819
+ search_term='(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure'
+ comment='label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure' /tmp/tmp.I9oqknxov9
+ echo openqa-client --host jobs/4913819/comments post 'text=label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ '[' '' = 1 ']'
+ return
+ return
+ for i in $(cat - | sed 's/ .*$//')
+ investigate_issue
+ local id=4913820
+ local out
+ local reason
+ local curl
++ openqa-client --json-output --host jobs/4913820
++ jq -r .job.reason
+ reason='setup failure: Failed to download sle-15-SP3-s390x-69.7-textmode@s390x-kvm-sle12.qcow2 to /var/lib/openqa/cache/'
+ '[' -n 'setup failure: Failed to download sle-15-SP3-s390x-69.7-textmode@s390x-kvm-sle12.qcow2 to /var/lib/openqa/cache/' ']'
+ '[' 179 -lt 8 ']'
++ mktemp
+ out=/tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
++ curl -s -w '%{http_code}' -o /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ curl=200
+ echo 'setup failure: Failed to download sle-15-SP3-s390x-69.7-textmode@s390x-kvm-sle12.qcow2 to /var/lib/openqa/cache/'
+ [[ 200 != \2\0\0 ]]
+ label_on_issues_from_issue_tracker 4913820
+ local id=4913820
+ echo '75364
[qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"
100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry
Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry
Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)
Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"
auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"
auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry
Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded
job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."
job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?
Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing
[qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"
Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"
job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details
Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"
Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry
harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"
[opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead
[desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry
[desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry
[qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"
[network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link
test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"
auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ search='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*'
+ [[ 143 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*' 'poo#75364 [qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"' '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*'
+ comment='poo#75364 [qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ restart='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry'
+ search='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm'
+ [[ 100 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 '(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm' 'poo#75259 100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry' 1
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm'
+ comment='poo#75259 100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry'
+ search='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*'
+ [[ 78 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*' 'poo#73525 Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry' 1
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*'
+ comment='poo#73525 Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23'
+ [[ 50 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23' 'poo#73396 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry' 1
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23'
+ comment='poo#73396 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ search='(?m)api failure$'
+ [[ 16 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 '(?m)api failure$' 'poo#73375 Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)' '(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='(?m)api failure$'
+ comment='poo#73375 Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ restart='(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?m)api failure$' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ search='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*'
+ [[ 94 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*' 'poo#73369 Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3' '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*'
+ comment='poo#73369 Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ restart='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*'
+ [[ 126 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*' 'poo#73339 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"' 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*'
+ comment='poo#73339 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ restart='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ search='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ'
+ [[ 81 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ' 'poo#73297 auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"' '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ'
+ comment='poo#73297 auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ restart='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ search='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found'
+ [[ 38 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found' 'poo#73294 auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act' 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found'
+ comment='poo#73294 auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ restart='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly'
+ [[ 91 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly' 'poo#73288 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry' 1
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly'
+ comment='poo#73288 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error'
+ search='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download'
+ [[ 50 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 '(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download' 'poo#73285 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error' 1
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download'
+ comment='poo#73285 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away'
+ [[ 80 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away' 'poo#73282 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry' 1
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away'
+ comment='poo#73282 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*'
+ [[ 78 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*' 'poo#73273 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry' 1
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*'
+ comment='poo#73273 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ search='backend died: Migrate to file failed'
+ [[ 36 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'backend died: Migrate to file failed' 'poo#72079 Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"' 'backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='backend died: Migrate to file failed'
+ comment='poo#72079 Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ restart='backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: Migrate to file failed' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded'
+ search='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download'
+ [[ 89 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 '(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download' 'poo#71827 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded' 1
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download'
+ comment='poo#71827 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ search='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.'
+ [[ 97 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.' 'poo#71227 job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."' 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.'
+ comment='poo#71227 job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ restart='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ search='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details'
+ [[ 59 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details' 'poo#71188 job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong' 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details'
+ comment='poo#71188 job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ restart='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close'
+ [[ 69 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close' 'poo#71185 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?' 1
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close'
+ comment='poo#71185 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing'
+ search='Encoder not accepting data'
+ [[ 26 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'Encoder not accepting data' 'poo#70873 Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing' 1
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='Encoder not accepting data'
+ comment='poo#70873 Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Encoder not accepting data' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ search='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi'
+ [[ 96 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi' 'poo#69787 [qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"' '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi'
+ comment='poo#69787 [qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ restart='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"'
+ search='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp'
+ [[ 84 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp' 'poo#69691 Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"' 1
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp'
+ comment='poo#69691 Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback'
+ search='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10'
+ [[ 35 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10' 'poo#69553 job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback' 1
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10'
+ comment='poo#69553 job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details'
+ search='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download'
+ [[ 68 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 '(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download' 'poo#69448 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details' 1
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download'
+ comment='poo#69448 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='External encoder not accepting data"'
+ search='External encoder not accepting data'
+ [[ 35 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'External encoder not accepting data' 'poo#68923 Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"' 'External encoder not accepting data"'
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='External encoder not accepting data'
+ comment='poo#68923 Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"'
+ restart='External encoder not accepting data"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'External encoder not accepting data' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry'
+ search='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*'
+ [[ 62 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*' 'poo#67000 Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry' 1
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*'
+ comment='poo#67000 Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ search='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI'
+ [[ 54 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI' 'poo#64803 harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"' '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI'
+ comment='poo#64803 harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ restart='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ search='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen'
+ [[ 59 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen' 'poo#63457 [opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead' 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen'
+ comment='poo#63457 [opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ restart='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry'
+ search='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen'
+ [[ 39 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'match=settings timed out.*assert_screen' 'poo#63454 [desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry' 1
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen'
+ comment='poo#63454 [desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'match=settings timed out.*assert_screen' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry'
+ search='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out'
+ [[ 34 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out' 'poo#63397 [desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry' 1
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out'
openqa-client --host jobs/4913820/comments post text=label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings
+ comment='poo#63397 [desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ search='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404'
+ [[ 55 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404' 'poo#62066 [qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"' 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
.+ id=4913820
+ search_term='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404'
+ comment='poo#62066 [qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ restart='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ search='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket'
+ [[ 77 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket' 'poo#60161 [network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link' 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket'
+ comment='poo#60161 [network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ restart='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ search='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]'
+ [[ 181 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]' 'poo#59926 test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"' 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]'
+ comment='poo#59926 test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ restart='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ search='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided'
+ [[ 65 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4913820 'DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided' 'poo#59300 auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot' 1
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided'
+ comment='poo#59300 auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ label_on_issues_without_tickets 4913820
+ label_on_issue 4913820 '(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure' 'label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ id=4913820
+ search_term='(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure'
+ comment='label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure' /tmp/tmp.bA31FGSq2x
+ echo openqa-client --host jobs/4913820/comments post 'text=label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ '[' '' = 1 ']'
+ return
+ return
+ for i in $(cat - | sed 's/ .*$//')
+ investigate_issue
+ local id=4906221
+ local out
+ local reason
+ local curl
++ openqa-client --json-output --host jobs/4906221
++ jq -r .job.reason
+ reason='backend died: qemu-img: Could not open '\''sle-15-SP3-aarch64-69.7@aarch64-virtio-minimal_with_sdk69.7_installed-uefi-vars.qcow2'\'': Could not open '\''sle-15-SP3-aarch64-69.7@aarch64-virtio-minimal_with_sdk69.7_installed-uefi-vars.qcow2'\'': No such file or directory'
+ '[' -n 'backend died: qemu-img: Could not open '\''sle-15-SP3-aarch64-69.7@aarch64-virtio-minimal_with_sdk69.7_installed-uefi-vars.qcow2'\'': Could not open '\''sle-15-SP3-aarch64-69.7@aarch64-virtio-minimal_with_sdk69.7_installed-uefi-vars.qcow2'\'': No such file or directory' ']'
+ '[' 257 -lt 8 ']'
++ mktemp
+ out=/tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
++ curl -s -w '%{http_code}' -o /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ curl=200
+ echo 'backend died: qemu-img: Could not open '\''sle-15-SP3-aarch64-69.7@aarch64-virtio-minimal_with_sdk69.7_installed-uefi-vars.qcow2'\'': Could not open '\''sle-15-SP3-aarch64-69.7@aarch64-virtio-minimal_with_sdk69.7_installed-uefi-vars.qcow2'\'': No such file or directory'
+ [[ 200 != \2\0\0 ]]
+ label_on_issues_from_issue_tracker 4906221
+ local id=4906221
+ echo '75364
[qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"
100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry
Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry
Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)
Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"
auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"
auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error
auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry
Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded
job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."
job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong
job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?
Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing
[qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"
Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"
job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback
test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details
Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"
Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry
harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"
[opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead
[desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry
[desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry
[qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"
[network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link
test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"
auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ search='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*'
+ [[ 143 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*' 'poo#75364 [qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"' '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*'
+ comment='poo#75364 [qac] job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ restart='(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Error connecting to VNC server.*openqa.*-xen.*backend died: socket does not exist. Probably your backend instance could not start or died.*' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry'
+ search='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm'
+ [[ 100 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 '(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm' 'poo#75259 100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry' 1
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm'
+ comment='poo#75259 100% of powerpc tests incomplete auto_review:"(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Running on power8.*qemu-system-ppc64: Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry'
+ search='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*'
+ [[ 78 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*' 'poo#73525 Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry' 1
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*'
+ comment='poo#73525 Job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: unexpected end of data at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/*' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23'
+ [[ 50 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23' 'poo#73396 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry' 1
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23'
+ comment='poo#73396 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Failed to rsync tests: exit code 23' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ search='(?m)api failure$'
+ [[ 16 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 '(?m)api failure$' 'poo#73375 Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)' '(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='(?m)api failure$'
+ comment='poo#73375 Job incompletes with reason auto_review:"(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ restart='(?m)api failure$" (and no further details)'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?m)api failure$' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ search='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*'
+ [[ 94 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*' 'poo#73369 Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3' '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*'
+ comment='poo#73369 Job incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ restart='(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*" on o3'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)backend died: runcmd .*qemu-img create -f qcow2 .* failed with exit code 1: '\''Formatting .*' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*'
+ [[ 126 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*' 'poo#73339 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"' 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*'
+ comment='poo#73339 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ restart='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.* failed: Can'\''t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at.*' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ search='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ'
+ [[ 81 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ' 'poo#73297 auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"' '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ'
+ comment='poo#73297 auto_review:"(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ restart='(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Running on openqa-aarch64:.*considering VNC stalled.*THERE IS NOTHING TO READ' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ search='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found'
+ [[ 38 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found' 'poo#73294 auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act' 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found'
+ comment='poo#73294 auto_review:"isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ restart='isotovideo died: needles_dir not found" should be '\''tests died'\'' or something similar obvious to test maintainers that they need to act'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'isotovideo died: needles_dir not found' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly'
+ [[ 91 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly' 'poo#73288 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry' 1
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly'
+ comment='poo#73288 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Job terminated unexpectedly' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error'
+ search='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download'
+ [[ 50 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 '(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download' 'poo#73285 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error' 1
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download'
+ comment='poo#73285 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details about reason of error'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Download of.*processed[^:].*Failed to download' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away'
+ [[ 80 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away' 'poo#73282 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry' 1
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away'
+ comment='poo#73282 auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API: Minion job.*Worker went away' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*'
+ [[ 78 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*' 'poo#73273 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry' 1
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*'
+ comment='poo#73273 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error from API.* file is not a database .*' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ search='backend died: Migrate to file failed'
+ [[ 36 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'backend died: Migrate to file failed' 'poo#72079 Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"' 'backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='backend died: Migrate to file failed'
+ comment='poo#72079 Upgrade o3 worker openqa-aarch64 to openSUSE Leap 15.2 (to use newer packages specifically needed for aarch64 and as precursor), also problem auto_review:"backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ restart='backend died: Migrate to file failed"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: Migrate to file failed' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
.+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded'
+ search='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download'
+ [[ 89 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 '(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download' 'poo#71827 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded' 1
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download'
+ comment='poo#71827 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download":retry because worker cache prunes the asset it just downloaded'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)Download.*successful.*Failed to download.*Asset was pruned immediately after download' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
..+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ search='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.'
+ [[ 97 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.' 'poo#71227 job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."' 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.'
+ comment='poo#71227 job incompletes with auto_review:"backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ restart='backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932."'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: '\''current_console'\'' is not set at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/ line 932.' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ search='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details'
+ [[ 59 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details' 'poo#71188 job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong' 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details'
+ comment='poo#71188 job incomplete with auto_review:"backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ restart='backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details" and no other obvious information in the logfile what went wrong'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'backend died: QEMU exited unexpectedly, see log for details' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?'
+ search='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close'
+ [[ 69 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close' 'poo#71185 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?' 1
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close'
+ comment='poo#71185 job incompletes with auto_review:"setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close":retry and does not retry, should we just automatically retry the connection?'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'setup failure: Cache service status error: Premature connection close' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing'
+ search='Encoder not accepting data'
+ [[ 26 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'Encoder not accepting data' 'poo#70873 Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing' 1
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='Encoder not accepting data'
+ comment='poo#70873 Test fails because auto_review:"Encoder not accepting data":retry, video is missing'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Encoder not accepting data' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ search='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi'
+ [[ 96 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi' 'poo#69787 [qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"' '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi'
+ comment='poo#69787 [qam][sporadic] test fails in rsync_client not waiting for the server long enough to sync on the barrier, auto_review:"(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ restart='(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)cause_of_death.*barrier.*rsync_setup.*lock owner already finished.*Test died.*mydie.*lockapi' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"'
+ search='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp'
+ [[ 84 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp' 'poo#69691 Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"' 1
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp'
+ comment='poo#69691 Improve incomplete output for qemu related problems, e.g. auto_review:"Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp"'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Failed to allocate KVM HPT.*Cannot allocate memory":retry instead of "can'\''t open qmp' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback'
+ search='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10'
+ [[ 35 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10' 'poo#69553 job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback' 1
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10'
+ comment='poo#69553 job incompletes with auto_review:"Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10":retry, improve user feedback'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Failed to rsync tests: exit code 10' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details'
+ search='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download'
+ [[ 68 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 '(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download' 'poo#69448 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details' 1
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download'
+ comment='poo#69448 test incompletes with auto_review:"(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download":retry , not helpful details'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)was downloaded by.*details.*unavailable here.*Failed to download' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='External encoder not accepting data"'
+ search='External encoder not accepting data'
+ [[ 35 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'External encoder not accepting data' 'poo#68923 Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"' 'External encoder not accepting data"'
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='External encoder not accepting data'
+ comment='poo#68923 Use external videoencoder in production auto_review:"External encoder not accepting data"'
+ restart='External encoder not accepting data"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
.+ grep -qPzo 'External encoder not accepting data' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry'
+ search='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*'
+ [[ 62 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*' 'poo#67000 Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry' 1
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*'
+ comment='poo#67000 Job incompletes due to malformed worker cache database disk image with auto_review:"Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Cache service status error.*database disk image is malformed.*' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ search='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI'
+ [[ 54 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI' 'poo#64803 harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"' '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI'
+ comment='poo#64803 harmonize IPMI username and password auto_review:"(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ restart='(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(sonic|tails) .*Unable to establish IPMI' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ search='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen'
+ [[ 59 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen' 'poo#63457 [opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead' 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen'
+ comment='poo#63457 [opensuse] test fails in plasma_browser_integration auto_review:"plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ restart='plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen":retrigger, maybe confused by systray popup instead'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'plasma-browser-integration-install timed out.*assert_screen' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry'
+ search='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen'
+ [[ 39 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'match=settings timed out.*assert_screen' 'poo#63454 [desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry' 1
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='match=settings timed out.*assert_screen'
+ comment='poo#63454 [desktop][tw] test fails in login_test, auto_review:"match=settings timed out.*assert_screen":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'match=settings timed out.*assert_screen' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry'
+ search='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out'
+ [[ 34 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out' 'poo#63397 [desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry' 1
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out'
+ comment='poo#63397 [desktop][sporadic] test fails in nautilus_open_ftp, ftp authentication dialog does not show up, auto_review:"match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out":retry'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'match=nautilus-ftp-login timed out' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ search='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404'
+ [[ 55 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404' 'poo#62066 [qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"' 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404'
+ comment='poo#62066 [qam][maint]openSUSE Leap 15.2 enablement/Leap 15 disablement auto_review:"Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ restart='Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Download of .*openSUSE-Leap-15.2-DVD.*.iso" failed.*404' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ search='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket'
+ [[ 77 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket' 'poo#60161 [network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link' 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket'
+ comment='poo#60161 [network][qam] auto_review:"The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ restart='The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket" test incompletes in t20_teaming_ab_all_link'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'The console.*(root-virtio-terminal1|sut).*is not responding.*half-open socket' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ search='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]'
+ [[ 181 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]' 'poo#59926 test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"' 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]'
+ comment='poo#59926 test incompletes in middle of execution with auto_review:"Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ restart='Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]"'
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'Unexpected end of data 0", system journal shows "kernel: traps: /usr/bin/isotov[2300] general protection ip:7fd5ef11771e sp:7ffe066f2200 error:0 in[7fd5ef094000+1b1000]' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ read -r subject
+ after='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ search='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided'
+ [[ 65 -ge 16 ]]
+ label_on_issue 4906221 'DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided' 'poo#59300 auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot' 1
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided'
+ comment='poo#59300 auto_review:"DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided":retry GRE tunnel settings not applied on initial setup / after reboot'
+ restart=1
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo 'DBus.*: The name org.opensuse.os_autoinst.switch was not provided' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
+ return 1
+ read -r issue
+ label_on_issues_without_tickets 4906221
+ label_on_issue 4906221 '(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure' 'label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ id=4906221
+ search_term='(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure'
+ comment='label:non_existing asset, candidate for removal or wrong settings'
+ restart=
+ grep_opts=-qPzo
+ check=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ grep -qPzo '(?s)([dD]ownload.*failed.*404).*Result: setup failure' /tmp/tmp.4EuvKRwfVh
ERROR: Job failed: execution took longer than 1h0m0s seconds
