


  • Login: shawnhao
  • Role: Developer
  • Connect profile: 1
  • Registered on: 2021-09-09
  • Last sign in: 2021-09-09


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 61 61
Reported issues 0 49 49


Project Roles Registered on
openQA Project (public) Developer 2021-09-18
openQA Infrastructure (public) Developer 2021-09-18
openQA Tests (public) Developer 2021-09-18
ALP Developer 2022-06-14
Containers and images Developer 2021-09-18
openQA auto review Developer 2022-05-04
qe-yam Developer 2021-09-18



05:23 openQA Tests (public) action #104944 (Resolved): [sle][security][backlog] automate testing of scap-security-guide: compare the eval results with baseline


09:49 openQA Tests (public) action #112181: [sle][security][backlog][FIPS] test fails in openvswitch_ssl due to POX and python3 updated
Additional resource: tried to use ovs-pki to generate key and certs, however, same issue with private key ssl configu... shawnhao
09:48 openQA Tests (public) action #108019 (Rejected): [sle][security][backlog][Leap] Leap 15.4 issue with bash oneliner in oscap_remediating_online (leads to unexpected out)
Our team will no longer be responsible for this poo soon. Please reassign this poo to another if it is necessary to r... shawnhao
08:27 openQA Tests (public) action #113009 (Rejected): [sle][security][backlog] Move test case stig_remediated_selinux from security dev group to security group
This case is a replicate of test suite selinux and is to be run after stig to check if system works fine after conduc... shawnhao
08:20 openQA Tests (public) action #104947 (Resolved): [sle][security][backlog] automate testing of scap-security-guide: run basic tests on the "remediated" system
Case added to osd security dev group with the name of: stig_remediated_selinux.
Pending moving to official security...


09:50 openQA Tests (public) action #108614 (Blocked): [sle][security][backlog][feature][automation] SLE-21816 - QA: Update vsftpd to version 3.0.4
Pr blocked due to certs and private key issue, connections to ftp server cannot be established with lftp shawnhao
09:49 openQA Tests (public) action #108470 (Resolved): [sle][security][backlog][TW][SLE][aarch64][automation]Unlocking LUKS volumes with TPM2 or FIDO2 key
Case automated on osd and o3 now. shawnhao


05:53 openQA Tests (public) action #112181 (Blocked): [sle][security][backlog][FIPS] test fails in openvswitch_ssl due to POX and python3 updated
Case blocked now due to certification issue. Switch cannot set up connection to controller. Not sure now if this is r... shawnhao


06:56 openQA Tests (public) action #112181: [sle][security][backlog][FIPS] test fails in openvswitch_ssl due to POX and python3 updated
Found that port 6634 used in original tests steps might be unavailable since it seems to be used by another service. ... shawnhao


08:33 openQA Tests (public) action #112181 (In Progress): [sle][security][backlog][FIPS] test fails in openvswitch_ssl due to POX and python3 updated
Preparing environment, will manually try this case on tw and see if POX and Python3 can work shawnhao

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